"I love you too, Makoto."

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     Hiya y'all! This is another little space oneshot, except this time it's little Makoto! I just wanted to say that before you read, anyway I love y'all and thank you for 700 reads!


TW(s): none

AU: Non-despair, still takes place at Hopes Peak

Art by ramunaeee on twitter


     "Mornin' daddy!" An overly excited little screeched, jumping up and down on his caregiver, Byakuya. "Ow..ugh..Makoto stop..jumping on..me!" Byakuya said in between jumps, as he couldn't speak when the little would jump on his stomach. "Sowwy daddy," "Aw baby you're not in trouble, you just don't jump on people, Okay?" "Otay!" The little got off his daddy, and sat beside him. Byakuya sat up and grabbed his little, pulling him into his lap. "So baby, how old are you feeling today?" Makoto thought for a second, then held up four fingers. "Okay then, let's get you changed into some better clothes and get some breakfast from the dining hall," Byakuya picked up Makoto, slinging him onto his hip and bring him to his little box. He opened the lid and spoke, "I'll let you pick your clothes today baby," "Reawwy?" The blonde smiled, "Really." Makoto squealed and dug through the little box, grabbing a pair of dark green overalls, and a while long sleeve shirt with little clovers on it. He also grabbed some white socks to wear with his light up shoes.

     Byakuya took the little back to the bed to change him. "How about we wear a pull-up today? Just in case you have an accident," Makoto nodded his head and let his caregiver put a pull-up on him. He loved the pull-ups because they had really cool characters on them! "Wook daddy! It has Wigh'ning McQueen on it!" "I see that, baby," Byakuya grinned and continued to dress the brunette.

     Once they were both done getting dressed, Byakuya carried Makoto to the dining hall for breakfast. "Now Makoto the others might be in there, so don't cry if they try to talk to you okay?" "O-Otay.." Makoto didn't really like others seeing him while in little space, he only wanted his daddy to be with him but he could make an exception this one time.

     Opening the door to the dining hall, Byakuya and little Makoto immediately heard squeals and coos coming from their classmates.

     "Aww he's so cute as a little!"

     "Byakuya can I hold him? Pleeease?"

     "Ahh! I love hiiiim!"

     Makoto turned his head into Byakuyas and closed his eyes so he couldn't see his classmates. "It's okay Makoto, don't be shy." The couple walked into the kitchen to prepare Makotos breakfast. He first sat Makoto on the counter and told him not to move. Byakuya then opened the bread box, getting out a piece of bread. "Makoto," The little hummed in response, "What kind of jelly do you want on your toast?" "Uh..." He thought for some time, Byakuya surprisingly had patience and waited for his little to respond. "Gwape!" Makoto clapped his hands excitingly, as his caregiver went to the fridge to grab the wanted jelly. Byakuya put Makoto's bread into the toaster, and while waiting for that to finish, he grabbed some fruit for his little to also eat. He then opened a cabinet to find Makoto's sippy cup. The tall male then filled it full of apple juice, which was the little's favorite. By that time, the toast had already popped out. Byakuya took it out and spread the grape jelly on it, and placed it on a plate, along with the fruit. 

     "Stay right there and don't move, Okay? I'm going to go put your food down and I will be right back to get you," "Otay!"

     Byakuya went back into the dining hall, and set the little's food down. Byakuya then went back into the kitchen to grab the brunette, and walked back to his food. "There you go, little man," Byakuya said, an kissed the little's head. "Tank 'ou daddy!" "Your welcome sweet boy, thank you for using your manners." Makoto smiled through his sippy cup, which made the others 'aww' again. 

     Once Makoto was done, Aoi walked over to the couple. "Hiya Makoto," Bashful, Makoto greeted her back, saying, "H-Hi Hina," Aoi smiled at the little, and sat down next to him. "So Byakuya is Makoto doing fine?" Byakuya sighed, he knew Makoto would only slip when school was really stressful. He tried to cuddle him more, and do a few random gestures here and there to help him, he knew the brunette didn't like to slip very much. "He's been very stressed. I have tried to help him. But there is certain problems even I cannot solve." He wasn't referring to Makoto's little space, but the anxiety and stress he felt. He really wished he could help him. "Well if you ever need any help, just ask me! I'll sit you down and we can eat donuts together!" Aoi said, as she got up to go back to Sakura. Byakuya at his little, and kissed the tip of his nose. "I wuv 'ou daddy!" 

~ time skip ~

     It was currently ten o'clock, and Makoto and Byakuya were cuddling together, the brunnete on top of the blonde. Byakuya's arms wrapped around Makotos waist snuggly, and the little had his head in the crook of Byakuya neck. After some time of cuddling, Makoto let out a sigh of content.

     "I love you Kuya, thank you for everything," 

     "I love you too, Makoto."


Word count: 898

Hope you enjoyed, loves!

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