Colour, Or No Colour?

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Okay, I said there'll be an update soon, but before that- I want you guys to make a decision for me.

You see, ya'll know I draw and colour my dares, but is it okay if I don't colour them? Because it takes a lot of time, and therefore creates my procrastination in these dares, not to mention its easier.

If you all want me to colour them, that's fine! But my updates will be extremely slow. However, without colouring, there might be quicker updates! If you guys mind, that is.

Please help choose for me, and thank you so much for all your patience, I know its been months since my last update, and I keep lying about another going to be soon, I apologize for that.

So- with colour and slower updates? Or without colour and quite quicker updates? By the way, I'll still be drawing them, now worries.

Thank you once again, and see ya'll!

Dream Sans AU's Shenanigans- [ Hiatus ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora