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Hello, dear friends!

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Hello, dear friends!

As you may know, it's been months since my last ask update.

Things have been quite complicated, so without thinking through, I closed down the account out of pressure, and I truly apologize for that.

Just so you know, I haven't given up on this book quite yet, it will be updated, but extremely slowly.

Your asks have been sitting in my list for months on end, and I truly apologize for that. None of you deserve that.

The sad news is that, I've fallen out of of the fandom for quite awhile now, but don't fret! I will continue on your ask, and continue drawing as well! To repeat my debt that is.

There is a possibility in the future that I might discontinue, of course. I truly apologize for the news.

The reason I have fallen out of love is because I've recently found an amazing gem on Netlfix.

It's a donghua known as Scissor Seven, a Netflix original! It's so amazing, 10/10 stuff there. The first few episodes may be quite boring, but it progresses to just make you want for more! So please, if you have the time, watch a few episodes and state your opinion, it's truly an amazing, and it's quite a pity that it's so underrated, along with it's fanbase. At least so far to me.

Another reason I loaf it so much is because of the community, I haven't seen much toxicity, which is really incredible. Check it out, I highly recommend it.

Anyhow, moving on, I shall continue this book, updates are slow, but I'll try my best. Those who have been here since the beginning, and here now. Thank you so much for being there and checking my stuff out, I really appreciate it.

Next time on the Dream's AU chaotic adventures, it will be chaotic.

See you in a bit- long time!

By the way, I'm most probably going to make a Scissor Seven one-shot book, but to understand it, you gotta watch the show! Ahah, check that out once I publish it.

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