It's the middle of the school year and I'm currently rooming with Periculum Metus. She's alright but she dries her socks on my radiator so My room always smells like her feet. 

I kicked open the door to my dorm and dumped my things on the couch which sat in a dipped down part in the middle of the common room.  I wandered over to the kitchen and sat at the counter. I opened up my book from Tactic of Battle and began to write down notes from my audio recording of the lecture. We had watched back yesterday's fights from the enclosed training space right here on campus. Our professor, Prof Daemon, was by far my favourite man on campus. He was strong and savage and he was globally revered. He was Schola Potens' most admired alumni. He was the strongest in his field and was known for taking over whole nations. 

His name was known everywhere as a strong role model for aspiring villains everywhere. He wasn't a magical being at all. He was just motivated. He published  a book and signed mine. I looked forward to making him proud out there in the world.

By the time I was done taking notes it was already 5 and I was ready to head to the cafeteria for dinner. It was bolognese with garlic bread. I love garlic bread. I took the tray and moved into the hall. I saw Marcus Salvatoris and his girlfriend Victoria Lux sitting at a table. I walked over to them and sat down.

"Hey guys!" I said. I don't hate heroes. I think they're really cool, even if they do try to stop me all the time.

"Oh hey Mortua! You were super good out there!" Said Marcus cheerily. Meanwhile Victoria clung to his arm, her head on his shoulder and she was glaring at me menacingly. 

"Babe, I feel kind of unsafe around this Archangel."

You could feel the mood in the hall instantly drop. Archangel was an extremely offensive to all angels. It referred to an angel who had gone from good to bad, but was only common around humans. Angels and magical beings never used that word. It was demeaning and crude.

I glanced around at the assortment of mythological creatures in the hall.

"Victoria, keep your voice down." I said at the same time as Marcus said "Victoria, Hold your tongue!" 

I smiled weakly at him. 

"It's ok, Marcus. I know she doesn't mean it. I can go if it will make you more comfortable, Victoria." I said. She smiled and turned to Marcus, running her hands through his brown hair and pulling on his blazer. He waved discreetly at me as I picked up my tray and moved over to sit with Septem sanguinem. A boy from my Tactic class. We were pretty good friends. He was a Villain too.

I was talking to Septem when Marcus sat down next to me and placed his tray down. He was mid argument with Victoria. She was saying things like, "But she's from the wrong side." and "She's dangerous." To which Marcus would counter with "Name one time she's done anything dangerous outside a controlled and safe environment. She's not dangerous."

I watched in awe as Marcus told her if she didn't accept the two sides of the spectrum, she'd never get anywhere. Victoria then looked at me. And her face went bright red.

"YOU! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! We were happy and then you had to sit down and suddenly I'm the villain. NO! You're the villain! You're the bad one. You're evil and vile and I realise those are anagrams. You're not meant to exist! DIE ARCHANGEL SCUM!" and she pulled out a wand. 

"I hate fairies with egos" I mumbled under my breath. I rose from the ground, arms outstretched. Dark clouds began to swarm at the ceiling as I floated in mid air. Then with a rustle of feathers, my large black wings spread behind me. I snapped my hands in front of me and fire began to pool in them. My eyes went black and my hair billowed out behind me. Victoria began to look scared but nethertheless the held out, her wand hand in perfect form as she poised for attack.

I looked down at her. She looked so weak, wand out, face solemn. I pitied her. She wanted to be a hero so badly but she had personal desires. 

"Foolish child. Why would you pick a fight with me? You know I'm a far better fighter than you." I said.

She laughed. Nerves creeping through.

"You aren't as good as you think. You gave away the mind trick thing. I know everything you try to throw at me. There is no opponent easier than one you know. You said that. That's words from your tongue." I frowned. She perhaps wasn't as stupid as I believed.

And then just like that Professor Daemon walked in.

"Good God, Mortua Diabolis come down from there right now!"

I floated down, my wings contracted into my back and my eyes returned to blue. He looked at the timid, pale Victoria who was still standing there, wand outstretched, face drowned in terror.

"You two, in my office, NOW" Yelled Professor Daemon.

My feet lightly touched the floor and I walked after Professor Daemon, his robes flapped against my shins and I turned to see the whole school watching me and Victoria trail after The professor.

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