Gee As Your Boyfriend

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- first off, this man doesn't care about looks or gender. He loves a person based on their personality.

- Gee is an adventurous person, so he prefers a person who doesn't mind coming with him on his travels. But if his partner doesn't like traveling then that's okay, he'll never push a person to do something their uncomfortable with.

- he doesn't like someone who is rude and snarky for no reason, and he absolutely loathes people who think that they are above others.

- another rule if you want to date him is that you must get along with his sister, she is someone who he cherishs deeply with all his heart.

- Gee won't admit it, but he has a bit of a fragile heart. Everything that has been done to him has left him emotionally and mentally vulnerable.

- if you were to do something that broke that fragile heart of his, he would be destroyed. But he would get over it eventually, although it will leave a scar.

- he is always 100% supportive of what you do, granted that what you do doesn't hurt an innocent person in any way shape or form

- another thing that he won't admit, is that he is touch starved. The only real affection he gets is from his sister, so be ready to give this man his daily dose of love that he needs so much.

- the man is almost seven feet tall, his hugs are ones that are sure to engulf your whole body. And when cuddling, he doesn't really care whether he's the small spoon or the big spoon. All that matters is that your with him.

- he only sleeps when there is someone he trusts deeply nearby, it's because he's prone to nightmares from his past. So when sleeps with you for the first time, it means that you are now someone that is very close to him.

- he's surprisingly easy to fluster, just ask him to lean down a bit and shower his face with kisses. Tell him how cute and handsome he is, he'll turn away with an extremely red face. Though the dumb happy smile on his face tells you all you need to know.

-perfect house husband, he always finishes all the chores in seconds. And has an immense amount of culinary experience from traveling around, his food is something to die for.

- don't be surprised if you find crows everywhere you go, he is sure to assign one to watch over you. He is extremely protective of those close to him.

- he always likes to gift gifts that he thinks that you might like, he's a very careful listener. He has an extremely good memory, so don't be surprised to find something that you said you liked
A few weeks ago in front of you.

"hey do you remember that thing you wanted but they ran out off, well I've managed to find one in another country sooo here you go."

- he's favorite thing to do is lay his head on your lap as you play with his hair, your always surprised by how silky and soft it is. You swear that you can even hear him purr sometimes.

- if your sad or insecure about something, he'll always know how to comfort you. You can even call him an expert at it.

- arguments are very scarce between you two, as there is no real reason for you to argue. And if he was to do something that upsets you, he'll be sure to take responsibility and will apologize

- when Gee opens up to you about his past, he's showing you his most vulnerable side. And when he finishes telling you everything, be sure to hold him close and wipe the tears running down his face from the bad memories.

"my dear, do you have a minute? This may sound embarrassing but I needed to get it off of my chest, I just want to thank you. For what? Well it's easy, for being there with me. For being there to pick me when I'm down, for giving me the love I wanted. And yes it may sound cheesy but I just wanted to say... I love you my dear, for now and forever."


Author note: this is my first time writing something like this, so be sure to tell me if it's good or not.
I also realized that I just hit 100 followers, I'm truly baffled at this. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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