Chapter 14: The puppet

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– y/n's POV –

I skipped breakfast to just relax at the Gryffindor common room. It was a lovely Sunday morning indeed.

Looking out the window on the couch, I contemplated my decisions last night's.

The way he touched me and the way it felt, the adrenaline rush, it was all real.

Was it a smart choice? No.

"Y/N," then Harry's voice surprised me. "We couldn't really find you last night."

"Oh, I... left early. Didn't want to stop your fun."

"Everything good?"

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's good, it's fine. Nothing happened."

"That's good. Well, that's not very important. She's back here safely. " Hermione joined and sat beside me on the couch. "Y/N, there's something that I found that seems to belong to you."

"Oh," Ron made a face of realisation.

"What is it?"

"We got this letter anonymously and it says your name here." Then Hermione handed me a letter that was covered in... blood? 

"Bloody hell, whose blood is this?" I shrieked and opened the letter. Then I couldn't be more shocked by what was inside. "This is impossible..." Something that I'd been looking for this whole time. Something I gladly risked my life to retrieve. 

It was mum's ruby necklace, in my hand. Just like that. My breathing got heavier, my thoughts all entangled to a confused knot. Regardless of the wave of shock it caused me, the ruby was radiating brilliantly. 

"Y/N, what is it?" said Hermione.

Then I sprinted towards the common room door. 

"Where are you going?" the trio shouted from behind but I couldn't answer them right away.I just ran out and towards the Great Hall.

Panting, I looked for Edmund. It wasn't a lot of people so it was easy to spot him.

"Ed!" I darted.

"Y/N? What's with the rush? I'm violently hungover..." Edmund replied grumpily, then his eyes widened. "Is that...?" He shifted his focus on the necklace as I displayed it in front of his eyes. 

I nodded, "This is the necklace. It's the exact same necklace. I don't know why someone sent it to me in a letter and I don't who that someone is but this is it."

"What do you mean someone sent it to you? This could be a prank but is there anyone who knows you're looking for this? Someone might be messing with you. How come it was just delivered to you in a letter, it sounds too easy." 

"You're right, but I just can feel that this is real. This is real." I could just feel it. Inexplicable.

"Well, what do we do? Do we break it as your parents asked you to in your dream?" asked Edmund. "But... what if it's a trick? What if someone else who's not your parents want you to break it for their own good? I know how much this means to you but we should be really careful with what we choose to do. We both know that we don't live in the safest world."

"I..." I was lost for words. Edmund was right. 

Then a tall figure drew a shadow over me. "Morning," it was Draco.

I was startled by his sudden voice and turned around quickly. "Morning,"

"Is that..?" asked Draco, noticing the ruby necklace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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