Lexi, the Deviant

Start from the beginning

"That's actually really great Blake."

"Yeah?" Blake asked, with a shy little smile.

"Of course, I a hundred percent support anything than can help you realize how amazing you are and how much you deserve the world," I reassured him.

"Oh, right now we're just actually talking about my obsession with you," his voice a little teasing.

I chuckled. "Really?"

"Yeah. Doctor Boseman thinks it's unhealthy."

"Have you told him that I'm also obsessed with you? So like, two negative make a positive?" I told him with a grin, proud of myself.

Blake laughed. "Oh yeah, I'm suuuure that applies to mental health too."

"Of course. But seriously though, if you want to talk about your session with me, or you need me to do anything, don't be shy. I really want what's best for you," I said.

I always wanted him to be able to open up with me. I didn't like him just because of his good looks. As cheesy as it was, I'd only started to take an interest in him because of his personality actually.

"Thank you Pumpkin,"

"I'm really curious what you guys say about me during your sessions though," I admitted.

"I tell him you're beautiful and perfect and you deserve so much much better. And he tells me you picked me, so I should respect your decision."

"I agree with this Doctor."

Blake wrapped his arms around me again, pressing his face against my arm. "Weirdly, I feel like there's a weight off my shoulders now that I told you this. I wasn't deliberately hiding it from you, but yeah... it's nice to just open up with you."

I brushed my hand through his hair. "Anything else you're still hiding from me?"

"Probably. I need to think about it..." Blake mumbled.

I backed away from him a little. "Probably? Did you just say probably?"


"Little bitch." I slapped his arm.

Blake automatically laughed, grabbing my arms before I could hit him again. "Thanks for that, it reminds me that I need to tell Doctor Boseman I really have issues when it comes to you insulting me and punching me."

"Why? Does it make you angry?" I asked, glaring.

Blake didn't answer, he just wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I sighed, trying to free my eyes to punch him. "You are such a pervert."

He chuckled again. "Deviant, I prefer deviant, thank you very much."

I hit him with my knee and I tried freeing my hands, while we both laughed, but Blake easily overtook me, pinning my arms beside me. He then proceeded to start smacking kisses on my face, while I just laughed, trying to untangle my arms.

But Blake was also on top of me. And he was wearing a tank top with a wide neckline and I could see his chest inside. I was slightly distracted.

Obviously wanted to lick it.

Blake noticed. He always noticed. He snorted and said, "What do you know? A deviant attracted another deviant."

I kicked him again and he jumped out of bed, still laughing.

I followed him, getting out of bed too, and ran after him. "Come back here you little bitch!"


Hello my little Pumpkins! As it's my Wattpad Anniversary today, I decided to give you a little present. (I actually though it was the 31st for some reason, but it's actually today, the 30th, because I'm out of it so the celebrations are a little late. XD)

I hope you enjoyed this new adventure! :D

Honestly, I'm writing so much Smirking Jerk lately (Blake's POV story, if you didn't know about this, have you been living under a rock? ;P) that when I started to write this chapter, I was actually making it in Blake's POV. hahahahah XD

Now, while I have you here, let me shamelessly plug all my other stories. If you love Cole and Beth from The Spawns (Blake and Lexi's daughter and Josh and Daph's son), I'm starting to upload their short story titled Together in Berlin. You'll be getting two chapters per week until I'm done (on Tuesday and Wednesday)

ALSO! I have a new story I've been working on for quite a while and it's a biiiig thing. I'll start uploading it on Saturday, and you'll also be getting two chapters per week (Saturday and Sunday). It's about fandom and a boyband and yeah. It's called Tenth Knot. It would mean THE WORLD to me if you could check it out once I do start uploading it. Like, really really, you have no idea how excited I'm about this story and I'd really really love to read your comments about it. 

Alright, leaving now! Thanks for still being here and supporting my writing after all these years! I LOVE YOU GUYS! :D

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