Derek chuckled at Stiles stuttering, "It has been. Why the text all the sudden, I thought you would still be on the road."

"Yeaa, well, I got into town earlier than I thought. But, I wont be going anywhere anytime soon it looks. For some reason I got pulled over. Don't know why, it took the first deputy five minutes to run all my papers and then a Lieutenant showed up. Nobody's told me anything but I have this gut feeling that if I go and pry there will be problems.....gah but I want to know so so so bad its killing me Derek!!"

Stiles shimmied and complained physically in the seat of his Jeep. He was sure Derek could hear his little tantrum over the phone, a combination of super hearing and laugher. Yes, Stiles had made Derek laugh. It wasn't the first time but it was the first in a long time.

"Well, how about I stop by and see if I can help you figure out what's going on?" Stiles swore Derek was smiling, he could hear it over the phone. Who was he to deny the handsome werewolf?

"That works for me. I'm stopped in front of the gas station leading from the preserve to town. See you in a few."

The line went silent and Stiles smiled. For some reason he was really happy Derek had called. His chest was warm in a way that he hadn't felt since he was interested in Lydia. After a few moments of reminiscing high school his brain remembered that he hadn't received a word from Scott, his best friend.

Though this hurt him, Stiles wasn't all that surprised. When he went off to college it would sometimes be weeks before Scott would reply to his messages. Sometimes it would be months before he picked up the phone when Stiles called to check in. Eventually Scott stopped replying all together. This really hurt Stiles, he was losing his brother. He told himself that once he got back to Beacon Hills that he would work on figuring out what was happening to his and Scotts relationship.

When Derek showed up the first thing he did was say hi to Lieutenant Galloway, a surprisingly friendly smile on his face. Galloway shook Derek's hand in a way Stiles could only read as familiarity and comfort. The Lieutenant didn't seem put off by Derek showing up or asking questions, in fact he seemed happy to see Derek.

They talked for a while, Stiles watching from his side mirror intently - wishing he had super hearing. Not knowing what the hell was going on was killing him. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Derek started to walk over to Stiles Jeep.

Stiles rolled the window all the way down and smiled as Derek leaned against the door, arms resting against the window seam. Derek was still sporting his beard, well maintained and all - like always. He leaned into the cab of the Jeep, a playful smile on his lips and eyes bright.

"Figure my situation out, Sourwolf?" Stiles grinned dumbly. Somehow, Derek's eyes lit up more at that nickname.

"Your license plate and vehicle description had been given out to all on patrol as a person to keep an eye on. James said the info came through over the phone, he was curious and traced the call. Apparently Scott called your car in and said that you had been leaving violent messages and have been threatening him and his family since you left for college. James wanted to go and question him on his claim but your father would never let him." Derek kept his eyes trained on Stiles as he spoke.

"....what...the....fuck..." Stiles frowned and grabbed the steering wheel, squeezing so hard his knuckles turned white. In doing so his flannel sleeves rode up his forearms, flashing his tattoos at Derek.

Gently Derek pried one of Stiles hands from the steering wheel. With tentative fingers he pulled Stiles sleeves up. Stiles watched with keen eyes as Derek gently turned his arm over, forest green eyes focused on the ink. While Derek read through runes and looked over defensive circles Stiles thought over what he had been told.

His mind drifted off as Derek took his other hand. Why would Scott do such a thing? Yeah, Stiles had called and left messages while he was gone but he didn't think they ever came off as threatening. He knew he had teased Scott a few times about beating his ass when be got back for not replying to texts or calls. But Scott knew Stiles, he knew how he joked. They were brothers for gods sake.

"Why would Scott do that? Der, why would Scott do that?" Stiles turned to face Derek, grabbing onto the mans hands tightly.

Derek let Stiles squeeze his hands out of anger and confusion as he thought. Stiles didn't seem to mind the silence. He started to chew on his bottom lip furiously, frowning as he did.

"Hey," Derek pulled a hand free and pinched Stiles forearm, "careful there."

Stiles stopped chewing on his lip and sighed, puffing out his cheeks in a mock pout. Derek laughed softly, but before he could speak Lieutenant Galloway interrupted them.

"Excuse my interruption kids," he started. Derek pulled back from the window slightly, keeping one hand locked with Stiles.

"Here's your papers, Stiles. I don't know what's going on between you and Scott but I'm not buying what he's selling. I would try to get that notice dismissed but for some reason your father wont budge on the matter, this will probably happen a few more times. Apologies for the inconvenience, have a good day."

The two thanked Lieutenant Galloway and waved as he drove by, the first deputy had left a while back. Derek stepped closer to the Jeep and ducked his head back into the cab. As he did, Stiles slumped himself into the steering wheel.

"I'm fucked. I don't have the time to be pulled over every damn time I go out, every time I go to the grocery store or to work! Fuck?! How am I going to work in the same building as all of the people who are watching me like hawks just waiting to have some semblance of a reason to throw me in a cell!?"

Derek sighed and began to run his fingers through Stiles hair. For quite some time the two stayed like that. With a sudden deep breath Stiles pushed himself up from the steering wheel.

"I need a smoke, Sourwolf."

Stiles slipped out of the driver seat and dragged Derek into the gas station behind them. The gas station was bright and oddly sterile. A local radio station played the latest hits softly in the background. Stiles wandered towards the back coolers, Derek following behind like a puppy.

"Pick something out Der, its on me." Stiles spoke as he grabbed a soda and a Redbull, flashing a smile at Derek. If Stiles was aware of his new nickname for Derek he didn't seem to notice how it made the older man blush.

Derek only watched as Stiles walked away, wandering through the isles. With an amused shake of his head he grabbed a Monster from the cooler and followed after the Spark. They wandered throughout the entire store, Stiles picking out a bag of candies and Derek a bag of pretzels.

When they checked out Stiles bought a pack of Salem cigarettes and a red and back checkered lighter. When the clerk asked to see Stiles ID the younger man grinned and cracked a joke, pulling it out from the slot in his wallet. Derek bit back a soft smile, keeping his eyes on how the clerk was treating Stiles. The clerk was looking at him with mild disgust, putting their stuff into a bag with only two fingers. Derek glared at him darkly, nearly getting smacked by Stiles when he noticed.

Derek carried their bag when they were done, following Stiles back out to the cars.  He put the bag in the passenger seat and got into his own car, following Stiles the rest of the way to the Stilinski family home. The sheriffs patrol car was not in the driveway, for some reason both Stiles and Derek were happy about that.

Soon the two found themselves seated on the hard shingles of the roof, right outside of Stiles bedroom window. That window that held so many memories, good and bad. Nights where Derek snuck in to help Stiles sift through books and books of lore. Nights where Stiles would sneak out to fight off a rouge were of some sorts, crawling back in bloodied and sore at 4 am.

Stiles lit up a cigarette with a sigh, pulling his knees towards his chest. His flannel strained against his biceps, still pulled up to his elbows from when Derek was inspecting his tattoos. He took a few drags before he offered it to Derek. Without a word he took it from Stiles slim fingers.

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