Chapter 3

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On the seemingly calm seas of the large Pacific Ocean, three ships can be seen cutting through the waves against them. Two similar looking battleships and an Aircraft Carrier sandwiched between the two Capital ships. Three ships were in fact the famous Japanese Battleship/Carrier, the Yamato-Class, ships built for the fight against other Capital ships, but were in the wrong era. As Aircraft Carriers dominated land, sea and air.

But with the new war against what they are fighting right now, these ships were perfect for the job. As the two Battleships possessed the biggest guns placed on a ship, 18 Inch main guns, meanwhile for the aircraft carrier. It has given advanced aircrafts like the famous F-4 Phantom during the 60s, but now. It's fitted with F/AE-18 "Super Hornet" and F-35C "Lighting II".

The three ships were retrofitted to have modern era capabilities, and possessed advanced weapons like missiles. These ships were the pride of the Japanese Navy, or known as the Sakura Empire faction. The lead ship of the Class is the Grand Empress Yamato, second ship of the class is the Grand Princess Musashi, and lastly, the youngest ship of the class. The Grand Priestess Shinano.

The three sisters can be seen sitting on chairs with snacks on the table between them, as there was also a large beach umbrella to cover them from the burning sunlight. They were on Shinano's angled flight deck; the mentioned carrier has the same design as the well known Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carriers of the US Navy or Eagle Union.

Musashi: I wonder what Yorktown wanted to talk with us? She said, it's really very important.

Shinano: Knowing Yorktown, Onee-san. It's probably related to our enemies, the sirens. Or even Politics.

Musashi: I hate Politics, they ruin our enjoyment. I mean come on, my request wasn't that difficult to do nor dangerous.

Yamato: If putting Nuclear tip missiles on your ship isn't dangerous, Musashi. You're too childish to have those kinds of things.

Musashi: I'm not childish, bleh!

Musashi sticks her tongue out towards her older sister, Yamato. The Grand Empress of the Sakura rolled her eyes dismissing her young sister's child antics before drinking some tea made by Shinano, the three sisters enjoy the trip to the Eagle Union HQ located in Hawaii. The seas were calm and gush of wind blew through their hairs.

It was peaceful... Too peaceful in fact, suddenly the white clouds above the skies turned black, as heavy rain poured down the skies aggressively. The three sisters were informed that there was no storm going to be in the skies of the Pacific Ocean. Around 2km from the location of the three ships, they saw lights colored red.

They already know who, or what caused this sudden thunderstorm. It was their enemy, The sirens. There were around 30-40 ships made by the sirens surrounding the three Yamato-Class ships, one of the siren ships fired their red lasers towards the three ships, but luckily it missed Musashi's bridge.

Yamato: Tch..! I was enjoying my day!

Yamato-Class: Engage!

The three ships suddenly glowed bluish light engulfing the entire ship, it suddenly turned into mini cubes called wisdom cubes. The three sisters floated on the air for a few moments, while the cubes turned into their riggings. Once finished they get down to the water and stand on top of it.

Musashi: Oh! I can finally use my new Russian missiles!!

Then immediately four P-700 Russian-Made missiles launched simultaneously vertically from the riggings of Musashi, then it fixed itself to fly horizontally towards the siren ships. The missiles flew in the air at high speeds, before hitting their marked targets. Large mushroom clouds appeared indicating that those sirens are permanently deleted from this world.

Musashi giggled like a madwoman after seeing the large explosion, Shinano launched her Aircrafts to counter the siren-made aircrafts flying through the skies after getting launched by siren-made carriers. F/A-18 "Super Hornets" clashed with the siren-aircrafts fighting for air superiority. Yamato fired her main turrets simultaneously at the siren-made ships, who are battleships like her, but more advanced.

The 18 inch shells penetrated the upper decks of the battleships before it exploded, making the siren-battleship split in half, some shells were HE (High Explosives). They hit the other siren-battleships engulfing them in a hot inferno that the water of the rain can't be easily put out.

Thunderous sounds, explosions and roaring jet engines filled the battlefield. The sirens didn't show any sign of getting their numbers lower and lower, but instead 10km away from the location of the battlefield. There was a purple colored portal that acts like a gateway for siren ships to sail through replacing the destroyed ships with new ones.

The Yamato-Class sisters didn't show any signs of giving up either, they fired their main guns, secondary guns, and missiles at the sirens. As their Anti-Air Defenses were firing at siren-aircrafts up in the dark skies, Yamato thought this battle would last longer until she and her sisters were exhausted from fighting while their supplies of ammunition, and Aircrafts weren't infinite.

Yamato: Shin! Contact for back up from the Eagle Union HQ! These pesky sirens aren't showing any signs of giving up!

Shinano: Right away, onee-san!

Shinano immediately sent an emergency distress call to the Eagle Union HQ, as she dodged a red laser almost hitting her. Now they will hope the distress call will be picked up by the Eagle Union ships, and come to help them.

Musashi: Oh shit-!

A siren-made missile exploded near Musashi, causing her to fly backwards, landing on the water and knocking her unconscious in the process. Yamato immediately took notice of this and was about to help Musashi, until Shinano also got hit by the sirens, knocking her unconscious. Leaving only Yamato to defend herself and her unconscious sisters.

Yamato: Tch! Damn sirens! You will pay-!

Before Yamato finished her sentence, a large portal appeared in front of her and a dark figure walked out of it. The figure had riggings on, Yamato was startled by the mysterious figure, she stepped backwards a few feet from the portal. As lighting struck down on the water, the bright light of the lighting struck down flashes the face of the dark figure.

Yamato: What the-?! W-who are you?!

Dark Figure: I'm you.

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