Redirecting Hoes

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Romeo's pov
I got to school a little earlier than I would if this wasn't the first day back and I had hoped that Juliet would be early I miss her and that sexy ass. I looked to my right and I saw Juliet in her red and black Jeep pulling into the parking lot finding a spot but not getting out I turned back around thinking nothing of it. There stood a walking std in the flesh, Merida brave this girl has been  trying to sleep with everyone or anything that  breathes, they say she  fucked a dog once. " wow you're really muscular you must workout a lot" she said with an attempt in a flirty voice and ran her fingers down my chest. I just ignored her antics going on my phone checking Juliets Instagram "Hey babe" my girl said and I am so happy she is finally here. Merida looks a tad bit angry and Jules smirked at that.

"Hey mamas I missed you" I said and placing a long passionate kiss on her plump lips only breaking the kiss to breathe. Merida left some time during our short make out session." So babe how was your summer you look good in that outfit and so does that ass did you get thicker". She blushes hard at that and I didn't even know black people could blush" um my summer was good I got a puppy and the thing about my ass I really don't know how bout you" she said/asked "it was good my sister came to town and I got to see my beautiful boo for vacation"I said. We walked into this hellhole people like to call school grabbing our schedules turns out we for the most part have the same classes except math and history.

The bell rang for 1st period I had math while bae had history so we separated. Jogging into math I head straight to the back seeing Jayden,Corey,kentrell,and my favorite dark nigga Kayden.

Jayden is about 6'1 on the football team he's the line backer, lil light skin nigga brown-hair, hazel brown eyes you can't miss him. Corey lil short white dude that plays soccer he is pretty good standing at 5'11, blue eyes, brown hair literally your average white guy. Kentrell standing at about 6'0, plays baseball which I don't get that nigga run weird as hell, brown skin brown eyes dreads but not the ragedy kind. Finally Kayden dark skin 6'3 plays basket ball he has a great jump shot, black hair I think but this dude always wearing a durag. 

The math teacher finally came in and she was hot like a lil mexican lady about 5'6. Besides that math was boring as usual on the way to p.e. the guys started talking about the math teacher I think her name was Maria Alvarez.

"Damn she was so hot I would tap that" Jayden said and we all agreed even me they looked at me. "aren't you dating Juliet " Corey said " I mean yea but what she doesn't know won't hurt her and plus it's not like I would actually fuck the teacher". I said and everyone but Kayden looked surprised they were about to say something when Merida skank ass stopped us.

"Hey boys I have a situation anyone wanna help" she said to all of us but mainly directed to me.

"Oh look at the time I thought hoe-a-clock was at 2 it's 3 why are you here know"I said and they guys laughed while Merida was burning with anger looking  like a damn angry bird. We just walked away to the locker room changed into some shorts and a random shirt we don't have uniforms like the girls.


I immediately noticed jules and looked her up and down then stared at her ass and called her over to me she stood in front of me as I put my hands on her waist and my head on her shoulder. My hands slide down and cupped her ass she wasn't even fazed I do this all the time. 

We just started talking about random shit and Merida decided to come back with her 'possy' she just wanna be on some mean girls shit thinking she Regina George.

"Hey bae what ya doing with these losers" she said and I looked around to see who she was talking to ohh turns out she was talking to me and I looked over to Jules and she looked unfazed.

She prolly used to bitches like Merida, I swear bitches be bonkers but I would tap that if her attitude wasn't so damn skanky. 

"Bitch take you and yo skank as posey back to that stench hole you came from. The moment you walked ova here it started smelling like fish." Juliet said 

"You just mad cause yo man don't even want you fo real." Merida said pointing to me. This betta be pointing past me cause I don't want her itching and burning ass. Like damn if I wanna be itching I'd go wash up wit some damn sand paper. 

"Bitch don't you be onnat white people shit you know fucking brother's, cousins and uncle. Like wasn't yo last fuck yo brother and ain't that nigga 21. He on some R Kelly shit Damn."Sasha said making everyone laugh. Now that I think about it she kinda fine nice lil ass and nice tits most definitely a lil baddie.

I might have to tap that for the one time might be even better than Juliet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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