"Now we have only one real threat. Axel. He's next. And we'll question the rest of his pack by whatever means necessary to find out where he's hiding. They have to know something."

By whatever means necessary. I knew what that meant. It meant a lot of wolves would suffer and probably even die if Kieran didn't get the information he was looking for. And if Axel didn't get back to his pack before Perilous pack did, then one of those wolves that would suffer would be my friend, someone I had grow to care about of the past few weeks. Celia.

My stomach dropped.

"Kieran, you can't. There are good wolves there. Some that can't help being there. Kids."

He nodded. "We've taken that into consideration.  None of the children will be harmed, but all will be questioned."

"And Celia," I added. "Don't harm her. She can't help what Axel has done. She's a good person."

His face twitched. "I can't imagine any mate of Axel having a good bone in their body."

"But I know her," I argued. "She is innocent. She was hardly in any position to go up against her mate. If not for her I might still be at the Underground Pack. "

He seemed to consider that for a moment, but his expression didn't change. "We'll take that into consideration when we talk to her. I'll let you know what I decide."

His words echoed back to me a little harsher than he meant them I'm sure. "You mean, what we decide."

He sighed and I noticed Kieran looked tired. Besides when he first swept me off the ground and into his arms, this was the first human emotion I'd seem from him. "You just went through a very traumatic experience. Are you up to making these though decisions? It's true we have the final say, but as a whole the pack has to vote. I take their wishes into consideration when I decide to fate of other wolves."

"I am able if you are. Despite everything, I am no less of a Luna than I was before I was taken. If anything this experience has made me stronger. I was there. I saw everything first hand. I know who is guilty and who is not. But the question that remains, are you going to believe me?"

Without hesitation he spoke. "Of course I believe you, but your judgment may be impaired. Experiences like these tend to do extensional psychological damage. I would feel better if you were examined by Heath before you make any immediate decisions."

That stung. I think Kieran understood that when his words made me flinch. It was as if he'd slapped me. "You want me to go through a psychological evaluation? You think I'm crazy?"

Kieran looked more and more exhausted the longer this conversation continued.

"You were with them for a long time, Claire. Stockholm syndrome isn't something I made up. It's a real symptom of being held against your will. You might feel like your loyalties lie with them, that you've created a home with the enemy."

Before I had time to even think about it, the words were out of my mouth. "How could you say that?" My voice trembled.

"Please don't overreact," he begged. "It's only a precaution."

"You're treating me like a traitor."

This conversation and what was once a happy reunion had just taken a drastic turn for the worst. How did we get here?


"Clare," Kieran reached out for me, but I quickly jerked away.

"No! No." I turned back toward the house and stared up at the windows. "I need to get out of here. I need to think."

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