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 Jamie continues to ignore me over lunch. "Jamie, I wasn't trying to start a fight," I say just before the bell dismisses us to our afternoon final. "Please don't be mad at me anymore."

Jamie sighs and zips her *NSYNC lunch box closed. "It's just that...this seems like YOUR year. Danny's the most hated man in the ninth grade. A guy finally liked me, and I hoped my best friend would be happy for me." Jamie sniffs and a tear drips from her eye, which breaks any lasting anger I carry at Jamie for being mad at me in the first place.

I move to sit next to Jamie. "I am happy for you, and I wish you'd understand that you're so fun, and funny, and pretty, and way more interesting and normal and stable than I am. I just have an off feeling about Carl, but if you like him, then I'll get to know him and put up with him being around." The words taste bitter and bring an anxious feeling.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure. I can't promise I'll like him, but I'll try."

Jamie smiles and hugs me briefly. "That's awesome. Are you ready to ace our English finals?"

"That's my girl," I answer, throwing an arm over Jamie's shoulders. "I am glad you're not mad at me anymore. Let's go get these English finals over with." Skimming the Advanced English final, I let out a breath I do not realize I held. There are some multiple-choice, some essays, some true/false, but there are only five questions over grammar and they are all diagramming sentences. I completed every homework assignment, devoured the books, and am more than ready for this test. My pencil flies across the page, connecting passages and answering questions with abandon. Maybe I am not just a science geek after all. The thought is thrilling.

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