Chapter 2

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"I have the police reports and the last time he was seen was going up the elevator at his work and he was never seen again" Henna explained to me while observing the papers. "See, that's what makes it so weird. My mom thinks he ran..but how could he. He was in an elevator and next minute he wasn't" i started tearing up thinking about how impossible it is that well figure this out.  "Are you sure your dad isn't gonna find out that you stole those" I said, worried. "Most of this is public information anyways. I would've asked but he doesn't want me involved." Everything Henna was saying made sense but i was asking myself why i started trying to do this myself. Why didn't i sooner? I stared at the soaked concrete sidewalk that was wet from the rain, suddenly having a push of motivation. "We need to hurry, lets retrace his steps" I said, as i started speed walking as Henna caught up to me. " Hold on where are you going? Don't you need to be home?" "It's fine Henna she wont care" I said almost angry at the thought of her. Henna stopped me and caressed my face, "Are you ok? I'm worried about you" I felt turns in my stomach and felt my face getting red. "I'm fine" She gave me a weird look. "Really, I'm fine" we continued walking towards my dads workplace. He worked at an office, I didn't know much about it but from what he said about it it seemed pretty boring. I walked in to see the front desk with a woman on the other side. "Hi what can i do for you" She wasn't looking at me but instead was typing on her computer. "I'm here to ask you some questions" she looked up at me as i said that. "Well you must be James' daughter. I'm surprised you haven't come here sooner" she said smiling at me and Henna. Me and Henna looked at each other with a shocked face. "Come down the hall and ill tell you everything you need to know." We walked into a room with just a desk and chairs. We quickly sat down to talk. "This is one of our spare rooms so, its the best place to talk. My name is Alice me and your father James were very good friends. I have to tell you something that i know but I'm not sure you'll believe me"  She said. "Give it a shot" I said bouncing my leg up and down. I stared at her waiting for her response. She picked up a book from the edge of the desk, moving it to the middle. She propped the book up spine up, like a wall. "I believe your father may have accidentally traveled to a place called the backrooms" She pointed to one side of the book. "This side represents the front rooms which is where we are now" She slowly moved her finger over to the other side. I could hear the fear in her voice as she says, " And this side represents the backrooms which is an alternate reality where things are abnormal. There are endless levels that are a copy of places here but.. different with abnormal creatures and conditions that can make the human brain go corrupt." She continues, " It has weird names but its the best way to explain it to you. The only way to get there is by "no clipping" out of reality. That basically means to glitch out of this reality. This place represents feelings of fear, unease, and nostalgia. I believe James somehow got there through the elevator." I almost thought she was crazy but i wanted to believe my father was still alive. " The only well known way to get to the backrooms is by accident but I believe i know a way. I have no idea if James is alive or not but if you want to find him this is the only way. You could die also but, i know how desperate you are. If anyone were to get your father back it would be you." Me and Henna stared at each other in shock trying to decide wether to believe her or not. I didn't care if she did or didn't but i had no other choice. "I believe you how do i get there?" I leaned forward. I wasn't completely convinced but this was my opportunity to try. Henna looked even more shocked to see that i believed Alice. " I know someone who has been there before and is willing to help you. He knows more than i do." I stared at the floor thinking of what to do. I know nothing about this place. I dont know what I'm signing up for. I suppose its worth it to find my father. I decided "Henna, do you want to go with me?" I said, hoping she would agree.

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