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No ones P.O.V)
"There she is at it again" A girl mumbled, she had brown hair that was a faded red. She had a black thick wool cape that was black with red flames along the bottom, the same with the long sleeve shirt she was wearing, The black belt had her pokèballs attached with a red slit skirt with a black strip along the left side, a singalur Red Diamond shaped Stone connected by four black stripes around the back of her head rested comfortably, The solid black boots with a red fire design dangled over the side of the pokemon she was mounted on, Slowly the pokemon desended, and the girl hopped off.
"What is Xerneas up to now?" She wondered, she looked at the Rainbowed antlerd pokèmon, its energy aura releasing up into the sky. This was one of the things that concerned the gaurdion of the Crown Tundra. When a pokemon behaves unusually, especially the pokèmon of life. She sighed knowing that it was giving off life energy to someone, but who? Any trainer is worth for the life but it was someone spefic Xerneas was sending the energy to.
"Miss Nova?" A voice sounded behind the girl. It was Calyrex and his trusted stead spectrier, along with a kantonian Rabidash
"Ah Calyrex, have you been hiding up in the mountains again?" The gaurdion asked.
"We have been." Calyrex spoke
"And fire storm?" Asked the girl,
"Down by the large tree with your Corviknight" Calyrex replied
"I suggest you return home miss Nova its been almost 3 weeks since you have returned to your home region, its best that you do so" Calyrex suggested,
"I was planning on doing so, I have some questions for professor Sonia anyways" the Gaurdion by the name of Nova pulled out a purple pokèball.
"You have worked really hard as well Moltres take a break and get some rest" Nova spoke tapping the black and red legendary bird, to which it returned to its pokèball. A yellow light surrounded Nova to which it had switched her clothes to a black hoodie with long sleeves that went past her hands, black shorts with a red stripe going down the center, that same with the knee high socks and black high tops with red laces.
"Calyrex while I'm away. Keep an eye on Xerneas, if you find anything out Inform me immediately" Nova said mounting up onto the Rabidash, the fiery main warming her body.
"Of course miss Nova, Enjoy your evening" Calyrex said, with that the Rabidash galloped away, with the gaurdion.
'Xerneas is the pokèmon of life. For the past two to three years its been giving energy to someone. If it keeps doing that its Energy levels could be located, we just need to wait'

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