Back together

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You walked into your flat exhausted form the days work. It was so busy in the hospital today. You walked to your room and took off your shoes and coat. You juts through them on the bed you lay down closing your eyes taking deep breaths. You ended up falling asleep right there. The next morning you woke up to the sun shining through your window. You turned over in your sheets to see your picture of Newt smiling at you. you smiled. You got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. as you where putting up your hair. You thought about Newt, you handset seen him in almost a month you really missed him. Even though you had said you loved each other. You hadn't seen his cute curly hair and his beautiful smile that made your heart well up with love. you went to the kitchen to make yourself some food. You spent all day thinking about how much you missed Newt. You had another boring day at work. You had to stay late until 9pm. You walked into your flat and sat on your couch. You looked through your stack of books next to you. As you where looking you heard a knock on your door. You got up and walked to your door. You opened it up to see Queenie there. "Queenie!" You said. Behind her was Jacob he was playing with her hair and looking at her like he was love drunk. "W-what are you doing here?" You asked still looking at Jacob. "Oh we came to tell you.." she looked happy smiling ear to ear. "Tell me what?" you said letting them in. "Well..." she said. "Me and Jacob are getting married!" she said jumping for joy. You where socked. You kept looking at Jacob who was now giggling like a little girl. Something was wrong with Jacob you just could tell. "We where going to go tell Newt but I thought we should tell you first." She said holding Jacob up from falling. You immediately thought how you haven't seen him and how sad it made you to think about it. "oh honey are you ok?" Queenie said. "What?" you said snapping out of your thoughts. "Oh you should come with us to see him I bet he misses you to!" She said to you. "Oh I don't know I don't think.." Queenie cut you off. "No your coming with us." She said grabbing your coat and handing it to you. She grabbed Jacob by the arm and lead you out the door. The hole time Jacob and Queenie where giggling and talking in front of you. You walked along you where so nervous. You loved Newt but what was he doing now? your memory had gotten better you had no idea how it got so much better. It had always been better with Newt but you actually remembered all of New York. You had been doing better at work because you could remember what patients you had and most of the spells. You hadn't had to use your note cards for awhile now. you felt proud of yourself. "We are here Y/n." Queeine said. You broke out of your thoughts and found yourself at Newts door. Queeine unlocked the door and let herself in. You walked into his familiar little house. It was still a little messy but in a Charming way. You heard a crash and looked to see Jacob picking up a broken bowl Queeine right behind him. They where giggling again Queeine trying to stop him from draping it again. Then Queeine and Jacob both looked over into the kitchen. You walked over to them and froze. It was Newt standing there. "ayyyyy Newt get over here you maniac." Jacob said almost sinning. he ran over to Newt and hugged him. Newt smiled when he saw Jacob you missed that smile. "I hope its ok we let ourselves in." Queenie said hanging her coat on the door. Newt then looked up and saw you he froze. "Hi.." you said shyly giving him a small wave "Y/n.." he said. "Long time no see.." You said smiling. He looked back at Queenie and said "I thought he was suppose to be obliviated?" Newt questioned. You hadn't even thought about that you where just so happy to see them. "Oh you know how the poison only gets rid of bad memories well I had non! of cores I had some weird ones but Queeine filled me in on all the bad stuff and here I am!" Jacob said happily "well that's wonderful Jacob." Newt said. You where looking around but Newt was now looking at you.

Newts POV:

He hadn't seen Y/n in a long time. Now she was even more beautiful then he remembered. He couldn't help but stare. "I will make us some food!" Queeine said jumping to the kitchen. "I missed you." he heard Y/n say. "I missed you to." he said. she came up and hugged Him. He shyly hugged her back. "ok foods ready!" Queeine said as she sat Jacob down in his chair. You shyly grabbed Newts hand. He looked at you then smiled. He led you to a chair that was next to his. as you sat you saw Queenie was almost treating Jacob like a kid. She was putting a napkin on him and cutting up his food. "We are real exited to be here! You see Jacob and I where getting married" Queenie said shooting up confetti into the air with her wand. "Married!" Jacob said throging his glass of wine onto his face. It made you and Newt jump. This was not like Jacob at all he seemed almost enchanted. You and Newt must have been thinking the same thing because Queenie said. "What? I have not." she said laughing nervously and cleaning off Jacob. "Will you stop reading my mind." Newt said. she then said "Oh that is an outrages accusation he's just happy." "then you wouldn't mind if I.." you said standing up. Queeine jumped right up from her set and in front of Jacob. "Please don't.." she said looking at you. "Queenie if he wants to marry you. You have nothing to worry about we can just lift the enchantment and he can tell us himself." Newt said also standing. Queenie slowly walked away. You said "surgito" Jacob started to sack and pink smoke started to come out of him to frome a heart above his head. It burst into nothing and Jacob opened his eyes. "Congratulations on your enduement Jacob." Newt said "wait what?" Jacob said looking vary confused. You looked at Queeine she shyly smiled. "Oh no she didn't.." Jacob started. Queeine ran and grabbed her suit case. She ran out the door. "Quennie!" Jacob called. "Umm uhh so nice to see you two and umm where am I?" he asked half way out the door. "London." you answered him "I've always wanted to go here!" He yelled storming out calling Queenies name. "Well that was dramatic..." you said putting your wand away "Y/n I really missed you." Newt said turning to face you. "I really missed you to Newt I gess we have just been busy." You said smiling he grabbed your hand "I'm so happy to see you.." he said looking into your eyes you felt your heart started to race.

Your POV:

You hugged him he was stiff at first but then hugged you back. You stayed like that for a long time before you separated. You smiled at him. He shyly smiled back. "Are you hungry?" Newt asked "oh not really I eat at work.." "did you have a long day or something?" He asked. "Yes actually I did I had to stay late tonight..." you said going to sit in the chair next to him. "But what had been amazing is that my memory has been a lot better. I can remember things form juts a few minutes ago." You said excitedly "oh really?" Newt said happily "that's wonderful" he looked happy to see you where so happy. You sat there all night talking you ended up falling asleep on his lap.

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