red alert chapter 1 return to the elemental nations

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Hokage Sama we have word that several large weaponized ships entered waters off of the land of waves, what should we do!? Send a 4 Shinobi sqads and one anbu squad I will also be joining. Kakashi the current hokage put his robes and hat and asked an anbu to summon mirai sarutobi, anko mitarashi kurenai yuhi, ino Yamanaka, sakura haruno, Sasuke uchiha, maito gai, Lee,  tenten shikamaru nara and hinata hyuga. As they entered the hokages office some were wondering what was going on while others were awaiting orders Kakashi then briefed them on the mission orders after they were briefed on Mission orders they then left to pack, little did they know however the would run into an old freind. Meanwhile on 1
Of the 8 ships Uzumaki naruko and two other people rented a dry dock from tazuna and begun work on the 2nd of olny 2 new york class battle ships BB-35 U.S.S TEXAS after a battle against a German u boat submarine. They in the previous year purchased the texas from Houston Texas after seeing how its structure looked and how much corrosion that was happening overtime they then bought it for 2.5 billion U.S Dollars then spent another 5 billion on restoring the ship to its former glory. They replaced the old engine with 2 modern diesel engines from two wrecked diesel locomotives from BNSF. After a horrific accident on the BNSF mainline near Houston that tottald two GE dash nine locomotives. BNSF would the salvage what was still usable and sell it. Then they repaired the main battery guns and AA and AAA guns to working order. After that they added Chakra reinforced steel and armor so when the put a little bit of Chakra into the ship its Armour would be so strong that not even anti ship missles could destroy it. They also added massive speakers for music and added extra magazine to store amunitions. They also added a mechanical robotical system so olny one person can operate the entire ship. The person can give instructions on where to aim the cannons, what speed to go and reloading all on a laptop computer. The system can auto reload the guns aswell. Unfortunately the U Boat snuck up on them causing a good bit of damage and thus having them go to wave. You might be wondering why they were fighting a German u boat. Well one of them is an uchiha decendant and has the mongekyo sharingan and has access to a space time jutsu thus going back in time to world war 2 and helping the allies with shore bombardment and carrier escort missions and fending off attacking axis power ships for Britain France America Australia and New Zealand. They managed to open the space time jutsu and get to the land of waves in time to make repairs. During this they caught the attention of some leaf village shinobi in the area leaving wave after completing a small C ranked mission. And due to that and the leaf being allied with wave they though wave was under attack.              TO BE CONTINUED

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