Yohan ran to the window and looked out, there was a warehouse not far from there. I knew it! I got you now, So Juyeon. You have a lot of explaining to do, noona. 

Yohan grabbed his keys and was about to head out when Juyeon called out to him. " Yohan'ah! What are you doing here? " she greeted and went to hug him.

Yohan pushed her away, " I just came to check on you, I heard you're busy. Why are you here? " he asked. " My manager told me you came so I decided to greet you " she smiled.

" I see " he replied and looked over, the manager was smirking. Does he know what I did? Shit, I hope Juyeon noona just doesn't realise it now. " Yohan? What's wrong? " Juyeon looked at him.

" Ah nothing. I just remembered that I have a schedule, I should go now. My members will be worried " he lied and walked to the door. " Members? What about Junseo? " she questioned.

Yohan stopped his tracks, blood boiled in him. He turned to look at her, she wore a evil smirk. 

" I knew it. You came to save your Juliet, right? " she raised a brow and titled her head. Yohan just sighed in frustration, he scoffed. " What's funny? " she asked, crossing her arms.

" You caught me, bitch " he remarked, " Yah! " she yelled. " What? Isn't it true? You pretend to be kind but deep down, you're freaking annoying bitch who ruins people's relationships " Yohan added on. 

He turned his back to her and started to walk away. Juyeon grabbed a pillow nearby and threw it at him, the boy stopped his tracks. Slowly turned to look at her, " You threw that at me? " he scoffed.

" Yeah, so what? " Juyeon retorted, Yohan couldn't believe this woman. " You're really doing this just because I rejected you? That's so low, noona " he made fun of her. 

Juyeon huffed in anger and grabbed several books beside her, she threw them one by one to Yohan. The boy was an athlete so he dodged the attacks. " That's the best you got? ".

Juyeon glared and called out for her bodyguards and manager, " Attack him but not too much, I still need him for the brat " she stated and headed back up.

Yohan was now left out numbered, bodyguards and managers surrounded him. One by one, they attacked him and hit him. Yohan dodged a few attacks before getting attack from behind.

He was thrown with punches and kicks but fought back. He didn't let a few mangy alley men hit him just like that. 

Gradually he grew tired from their attack and got hit multiple times. He fell to the ground as they kicked, he laid there on the ground. Vision blurry, noises muffled and blood everywhere. 

Soon he passed out due to the amount of attacks. 

Later, the sound of footsteps were heard in the room. People whispered among themselves, it was hard to hear what they were because he wasn't really conscious. 

He tried get up and fight but was kick back down to the ground again, I need to find Junseo. He has to be in that warehouse. I have to tell Yongha, his conscious spoke. 

Before he could do anything, he felt as if he was lifted and was thrown into a van. He heard the van doors close and the van started moving away from Juyeon's house.

This is my chance, he opened his eyes slowly and took out his phone. He dialled Yongha's number but no response, he then opened their group chat and typed his message.

Sadly, it was caught short when the van stopped and the bodyguards started to get out of the van and headed towards the trunk. He immediately finished typing and sent the message.

Then he kept his phone and pretended to be unconscious again. The bodyguards swung the trunk open and took him out of the van. They carried him into an abandoned place and locked him in a room.

Once their job was done, Yohan peeked his eyes open and looked through the window. They had gotten into the van and drove away, leaving the boy in the abandoned place.

Yohan got up slowly as his body still hurt and looked around the room, seems like this room hasn't been used in a while. Why'd they take me here? Is this the warehouse Junseo is at? 

With that thought in mind, he began moving stuff around to find a hole that could show him Junseo. Luckily, he found one and peeked through it. He couldn't see much but a dark room just like his.

He sighed and fell to the ground in defeat, back to the wall as tears dared to escape. " I thought you'd be here, Junseo. Where are you?...... " he mumbled to himself.


" Hello?! Is there anyone there?? Hello!! Anyone there??!! " 


The last chapter of Living with Lies as of now is complete! Sorry it took me a while to write and update this book. School and life has been keeping me busy from writing, thank you to everyone who read this book and supported it the whole way! I really appreciate the love and support you gave <33 Don't worry this is not the last chapter of the book but a short hiatus of is because I'll be publishing my other books. I'll come back to this one right after I finish publishing those!! Again thank you so much for all the reads, votes and comments you guys gave. That's all from me, stay safe and have a good night/day!! <33

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