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AFC boys 🔴⚪

Bobby changed Kieran ☘️ to Kiki ☘️

Kiki do you love me?
Are you riding?

Say you'll never ever leave
from beside me

Teddy 🐻
Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always

KT, do you love me?
Are you riding?

Lil' Chili 🌶️
Say you'll never ever leave
from beside me

The Smith 💯
Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always

Sophie's fav song atm 🤣

Really guys?!
Find this funny, do ya? 🤨

Fuck yeah
What's your nickname for her?
Or are you afraid she'll find out? 😏

Well she exposed me,
so I don't care if you know
It's Fifi 😜

You guys have matching nicknames?
That's one step away from dating 😉


Fifi 🐉

Thanks for exposing me like that
The lads are really having a
field day with this 😣

Sorry not sorry Kiki 😉
That's what you get for bullying me

I didn't bully you!
I was only telling the truth
and saving you from
another heartbreak

Oh you're a true knight in
shining armour, innit?

You bet I am 😉

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