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"So do you know what Kieran planned?" Marion asks on the other side of the screen.

"No I don't, he just said to meet at his place," Sophie answers while pulling out some decent outfits. "Probably something casual with everything being closed."

Mari inspects the outfit Sophie's holding in front of her. "Not that one, maybe a bit too casual," she says.

Sophie throws the clothes on the floor and takes another outfit. A midi length wrap dress with red and white stripes.

"Yes that's the one! Kieran won't be able to take his eyes of you!" Mari cheers happily.

"You sure?" Sophie takes a second look at the dress. "Isn't it too much?"

"We've been in isolation since forever. So grab your chance to finally dress up again."

"You're right," Sophie smiles. She puts the dress on her bed and takes a seat in front of her laptop. "So now that this is settled. Why are you having doubts about Alex?" she asks.

Mari sighs. "I've a feeling we've moved way too fast and Alex will get tired of me."

"Why do I think this is not the only reason? There's more to it, isn't it?" Sophie can see it in Mari's eyes that she's keeping something from her.

"We talked about kids and Alex said that he doesn't know if he ever wants them, but I do want to have children," Marion answers.

"You still have time Mari, you're only 25 years old," Sophie says. "Maybe in a year or two Alex will change his mind."

"That's the problem Sophie. I don't have time to wait for him," Mari looks down at her hands. "Both my mother and my aunt have been diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency and there's a big chance I'll have it too," she explains. "The gyneacologist said the longer I wait, the more chance I have to not have kids of my own."

"Shit Mari, that's heavy," Sophie never heard of this disorder. "Have you told Alex about this?"

"No I didn't dare to. He is going to leave me once I tell him," Tears start forming in Mari's eyes.

"Tell him Mari and if he leaves you, you can always come and live with me," Sophie smiles reassuringly.

"Thanks Sof, you're the best," Mari says.
"But can you tell me more about this disorder? I've never heard about it before," Sophie asks.

Marion explains everything there is to know about it. From her mother being lucky she was able to get pregnant to the different complications that come along with it.

"So now everything is still okay?" Sophie asks.

"Yes, I get a check up every 6 months and my hormone levels are still okay," Sophie can see the relief on her face. "But enough about me, you have to start getting ready for your date with your Scottish casanova," she winks making Sophie blush.

"I'm so nervous Mari. I've never given much thought to my feelings for him, but now that he asked me out I can clearly see that I've been attracted to him from the minute I met him," Sophie admits. "It's not just the accent though. It's everything about him. He's kind, humble,  and overall he makes me happy."

Marion smiles. "I can see that Sophie. I'm glad you've forgotten about Andy and have given the lad a chance. But I've to go Alex just got home. Good luck tonight!"

"Thanks Mari. Good luck with Alex. Love you!" Sophie grins.

"Love you too Sof!"

ACCENT | K. TIERNEYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora