Chapter 25- the record deal

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Just when I thought this moment could not get any better ironically a 'your lips are moving' ring tone rudely interrupts the moment. I slide the green icon across to answer and was completely taken back by the words that echoed through the phone that I nearly dropped the phone. Still paralyzed by what I had heard, I stayed still and pressed the speaker button.
" hello, did you hear what I said I said I'd be honoured to sign you to Starlight Records, I've heard great things about you from my clients and I think you could, no you will be a star."
I shake my head and realism I'm not dreaming. " really!?" I'm so caught up in the moment that I don't realize that everyone is surrounding me, shocked but not even close to how shocked and excited I was.
" with help from me, of course" the deep, proud voice of my favourite artiste manager, Mr. Bobby Jones.
" let me introduce myself I am..." he continues but is interrupted by me.
" Bobby Jones, music extraordineer and number 1 artiste manager, with trophies, awards and hit records and not to mention 6 top clients now ruling the music world and topping the charts. Did I forget to say I'm a big fan." I say smiling from ear to ear.
" well flattery won't make you the 7th top client, talent, dedication and hard work will. Meet me at my studio on Main Street, New York at noon. I'm sure you know where it is. Oh and don't be late."
" I can't wait to work with you" I practically scream. " I mean, I am very pleased you've decided to sign me."
" It's alright, the pleasures all mine." He says chuckles slightly and ends the call. And with that I have officially mentally noted that today is the best day ever.
" oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh" Jen and Danielle are jumping up and down around me in excitement like peppy girls in a high school scene in a play.
I playfully join in with them then see Joshua walking away solemnly. This confused me so I break free from their clasp and run towards my handsome and gloomy boyfriend. When I finally approach him I place my hand on his muscular shoulder and almost at once he spins around swiftly to face me with this cute, adorable yet worried and serious facial expression before he said, "does this mean your not going to be a spy anymore?"
" oh yeah, I forgot I said I would stop being a spy but.... I don't know? I guess meeting you changes that."
" how?" He says now intrigued and smirking.
" well you showed me that when you go on missions....interesting things happen,"
" and?" He pushes me to say to unknown.
" and you meet wonderful people." I say asking more than stating
" and?"
" and what!?" I say now a bit angry.
"and get to do this." He says tilting his head and leaning in for a kiss quickly returned as his hands automatically reach my waist pulling me closer during the passionate, intense kiss as I place my hands on his shoulders. He gently nibbles on my bottom lip sending strikes of tingles through my body. He sent his tongue exploring my mouth as I comb through his dark hair with my slender fingers and close my fist tugging gently on his hair. He moans at this action and starts kissing me harder, our tongues now fighting for control (his winning of course). He starts placing small kisses on my neck and then nibbles on my earlobe making me groan in pleasure.
"Woah guys, get a room or something." Jen says on her motorcycle along with Danielle on hers.
We pull away and only hard panting can be heard from both of us. I start to giggle after fully catching my breath and soon he joins on in.
" we have a room" he says smirking and facing them.
" back at the hotel... he means," I say to stop their limitless imagination.
" We're going there right now, come on." Danielle adds.
I nodd and press a magenta icon on my techno watch as my motorcycle pulls up near to me. I jump on and let my long, black, straight hair flow down.
"You coming." I say chuckling at the mesmerized expression on his face.
"Sorry, just captivated by your beauty. Even when you were angry you were cute."
" aww, now come on we can't be too late."
" I don't go on behind the girl, it's just not right."
" oh get over yourself." I say as I get off and hug him before pushing him towards the motorcycle. I climb back on and he finally climbs on behind me.
"If I were you I'd hold on."
" oh, I'm not doing.... Thaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!" He says as the motorcycle goes at top speed and reaches the hotel in less than 15 minutes.
"I'm started to get tired of being amazed by you." He says wobbling around, trying to come off the motorcycle but failing
" ditto." I say as I help him off and kiss his cheek.
" aren't you guys just the cutest thing!" Jen says practically squealing.
" what took you guys so long." Danielle said taking off her helmet and walking towards us.
"Oh just his huge ego."
" that you love."
"Indeed." I say blushing slightly.
"Anyways.... You've got a big day ahead of you so you need to go to bed yeah."
This wonderful day unfortunately ends but fortunately ends with hands being clasped together, giggles to be heard, love in the air and the hope for a tomorrow just as wonderful or even better than the one ending right at the moment. And indeed I got that very day.

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