2. The world in wardrobe

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The next day I and the siblings sat inside the house cause of the rain outside. I hoped it would be sunny and I would show them around, turns out not.

Edmund laid on the floor as his head is under chair, Susan sat on the couch and bored Peter beside her in armchair. Me and Lucy sat by the window, her watching the rain while I watched Susan and Peter. I would draw something, but have no mood or inspiration for that right now. 

"Gastrovascular." Susan read from the thick book, trying to play with Peter but he didn't even listen to her, not at all. "Come on, Peter. Gastrovascular."

Peter looked lazily at her, too bored to play this 'game'. "Is it Latin?"

"Yes." Susan nodded, trying to lift the mood but no one is in the mood to guess words. Edmund pulled his head out from under the chair and looked up at Susan, smirk plastered on his face.

"Is it Latin for 'worst game ever invented'?" Edmund joked, getting small smile on Peter's face and chuckle from me. Susan harsly shut the book, glaring down at Edmund. Lucy suddenly stood up and walked over beside Peter.

"We could play hide and seek." She suggest, which seems to me like a good idea than guessing words. We wouldn't be so bored if we play. Peter looked up at her.

"But we're already having so much fun." Peter said, sarcasm dropping from his tongue as he glanced at Susan to tease her, who sighed in annoyance and looked back at Lucy.

"Come on, Peter, please. Pretty please?" Lucy begged him, shaking his arm as she then gave him puppy eyes, which must work on him. Come on, man.

"One, two, three, four, five,...." Peter began to count and everyone split up, including me. I grabbed Lucy's hand as I have good spot to hide. I led her through corridors and wanted to hide behind curtains, but Edmund shoved us off the way, getting there sooner and glaring at us.

"I was here first!" He said. Lucy pouted at him so I lead her somewhere else, but I don't know where. I know this house like my shoes, but don't know where to hide. We reached one corridor, tried to open one of the door but were locked so we tried the door beside and these were opened. We stepped in, just to see something big covered under white sheets. Nothing else is in this room but this.

We shared a confused look, because I don't remember stumpling upon this sort of room. Lucy closed the door and we walked over to this big thing. From each side we grabbed the sheets and tugged at it, making it fall down and reveal......a wardrobe?

I was confused at why there would be single wardrobe and nothing alse in the room. Lucy sent me smile and opened the wardrobe, small balls rolling out from there. We heard Peter's voice counting, hearing he's at 80 and quickly got inside, me closing the door after us. 

We started to step back, but it is like there is no back of this wardrobe. Shouldn't we bumb into the back already? I heard 'Uh' from Lucy behind me and quickly looked behind to see something wierd but familiar at the same time.

Lucy sat in the snow, well, snow is everywhere. I helped Lucy up as we looked around the snowy forest. It looks like from some fairy tale I've read. When I stepped there, a strong hint of energy or......magic? shot throught my body but I ignored it, thinking it's just the cold getting under my skin.

We looked back at the wardrobe we came from and began to walk around. We came to a lantern, still shining. What is lantern doing in the middle of the forest? But this lantern look too much familiar. Where did I saw it? Oh, I remember. This lantern showed every time in my dream. I always had just that one dream, and that always end with lantern in the middle of snowy forest. But why was it in my dreams? Is this even real or am I still dreaming? 

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