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This OC belongs to 1-800-C3DR1C 

Name┃ Sweetrun

5/5 Sweet- certainly isn't used often in toms- actually, I don't think I've ever seen it before! I do wonder how he got the suffix  -run, though, since nothing I've seen indicates that he's quick or enjoys running.

Gender┃ Tom


Sexuality┃ Bisexual


Rank┃ Warrior


Age┃ Forty-five moons

Alright, so the equivalent of being in his early thirties!

Clan┃ DawnClan ; DawnClan is a Clan that live near an old Twoleg farm. They claimed their place here because when dawn comes, it's absolutely beautiful wherever they look. Their main prey are mice and birds (sparrow, crow).

I think almost everyone's had a DawnClan lol. Of course, it does sound really nice. I love how you included their prey, that's always helpful in establishing a new Clan.

Appearance┃ Sweetrun is a small, stocky tom. His fur is yellow and grey with a ticked tabby pattern. It is fuzzy and long. He has a square face with round olive eyes. He has a saccharine voice and a fresh scent. Sweetrun has a long scar across his back.

13/15 Saccharine- that's a nice word! I know it means sweet, but it almost sounds like a gemstone. Right, back on topic. He sounds like a blue-cream tabby, which is a really beautiful colouring. However, male variants of that suffer from the same thing as male tortoiseshells/calicos- they're extremely rare, and are mostly infertile. 

Personality┃ Sweetrun values knowledge the most. He is mostly introverted. In conversations, he is crass, compassionate and friendly. He is guided by his head, often rational and aloof. His world view is somewhat optimistic. He is fair (or attempts to be), cooperative, whimsical, unambitious, egocentric and discouraging. Sweetrun is stupid, which reflects in his decisions, skills and conversations. He rips apart his prey as he prefers eating smaller pieces, which leaves a mess. Sweetrun doesn't talk about his opinions often, but when he does he is almost always in favor of war. He wants a large family with a mate and many litters.

19/25 Not many people would call their OC unintelligent! It's ironic that although he values knowledge the most, he doesn't possess it. However, there are a few contradictory traits- for instance, you've said that he's friendly, but also that he's aloof. Those words are antonyms, and you can't really be both. There is also the case of his optimistic view and his discouraging words, and him being rational but rather slow too.

It is nice to see a cat who is more level-headed, and guided by his head more than his heart. I actually don't think I've gotten a logically-minded cat yet!

Backstory┃ Sweetkit was born to his father, Larktuft and his mother, Hollyflight. Larktuft was nurturing, while Hollyflight was too lenient. Sweetkit was close to both of his parents. He became somewhat close with another kit in the nursery called Nutkit, although they didn't become best friends because Nutkit was too introverted. During his kithood, Sweetkit loved playing moss-ball with the other kits in the nursery. Sweetkit reached the age of an apprentice and became Sweetpaw. He received Deerstorm as his mentor. He was strict and unfortunately sometimes pushed too hard. Deerstorm mostly focused on climbing while somewhat neglecting running.

Climbing isn't a skill I see often! Everything here seems good and accurate to his character.

Sweetpaw's and Nutpaw's friendship quickly turned into rivalry as their mentors often got them to compete with each other.

That's an interesting dynamic, I honestly rather like it. Did it stay friendly, or did they actually grow to feel genuinely competitive, always wanting to top one another?

Sweetpaw became Sweetrun at 13 moons. A war broke out with another Clan. The enemy Clan decided to raid Sweetrun's Clan's camp, and Larktuft died while defending him Clanmates. This heavily impacted Sweetrun, who as a result became quite depressed. Unfortunately, Hollyflight died of a sudden sickness that was unable to be treated by the medicine cat. Sweetrun felt like he didn't know her well enough to truly mourn for her. He got a crush on the medicine cat, Fawnmoon, but forced himself to get over it, even if it did make interacting with the medicine cat somewhat awkward for a while. Sweetrun visited StarClan in his dreams once. He saw a skunk spray his friend. They laughed about it, but the smell was awful. Sweetrun got an apprentice with the name of Molepaw.

24/25 Poor Sweetrun! Be wary when you kill Larktuft with the battle, since the Warrior Code says that cats aren't supposed to kill each other. And good on him for being loyal to his clan.

I love the little details you included at the end there. It sounds like the sort of story that would be fun to tell.


Father: Larktuft - a black and grey tom (dead) 

Mother: Hollyflight - a yellow and golden she-cat (dead)

I'm going to assume that they're tabbies, since Sweetrun is. (Two tabbies can't have a solid kitten, although two solids can have a tabby. Genetics are weird!) As well as that yellow is a lighter ginger. Given these, I think Sweetrun's good, although if anyone knows better please correct me!

I love their names!

Sweetrun is great, and unique. I am curious about a few things, like his suffix and a few bits of his personality, but I loved a lot about his story to be honest! 

Thanks for you submission!

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