Chapter Eight

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Two weeks have passed since I arrived for my third year at Hogwarts and not much has happened. It's Saturday, the day I visit my father. Oh joy! (Note the sarcasm) I'm very nervous, considering what happened on summer break.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Lily asks looking like a concerned mother, or what I imagined a concerned mother would look like. I don't have a mother, my father created me with magic so he can take me out of this world as quick as he put me into it, that's why I can do so many things (except for metamorphamagus, I have no idea were that came from) liker how I can teleport or turn invisible.
"Yeah, why can't you just stay here?" Ivy agrees with Lily
"I have to go guys. I will be fine!" I assure them but then I whisper to myself "at least I hope." Luckily the other girls don't hear me mutter to myself. They both pull me into a huge and whisper a goodbye.
I'm standing outside my Fathers door wearing a gryffindor colored T-shirt, stupid,stupid,stupid, STUPID!!!!
Ugh let's just get this over with.
I knock on the heavy ravenwood door and immediately after look down at my feet. The doors creeacks open due to lack of cleaning.
"Well, well,well, look what the cat dragged in!" Bellatrix says snarkily and smacks me, hard. "Lord Voldemort! Your traitor of a daughter is here!" She screams and leads me into the house, as soon as I walk in I met with the tortured screams of innocent muggle born wizards and witchs I mentally cringe at how disgustingly evil my father is.

"Well hello Lucifer what a pleasent surprise!" My fathers says to sickly sweet, meaning something terrifyingly horrible is about to happen. As soon as I snap out of my daze I'm hit with a cruciactus curse. I drop to the floor writhering in pain, tears start streaming down my face, but then Bellatrix stops and laughs "now for the best part!" She cackles holding a knife in her hand, I would try to teleport, but I know for a fact that there is spell put on this room to keep me in. My 'room' had the same spell cast on it.

Bellatrix slowly rolls up my sleeve and cackles insanely. With that I can feel her digging the knife into my skin and writing something, I can't get a clear look at what she's writing but I do know that this knife has poison on it. Tears start falling once again and I scream out in complete and utter agony, which my Father and Bellatrix just laugh at.

~ you guys would be ok with me stopping there right?
~LOL I'm not that mean

I wake up and I am back in my cell and am dressed in rags once again.
I look around for a way out even though I know that it's hopeless.
"Ready for round two?!"Bellatrix asks me even though she really doesn't care whether I would disagree or not she would do it anyway. With that she yanks my injured arm and I bite back a yelp, as she pulls me upstairs in to my 'special room', my special room is a room my Father created and it knows all my fears and weaknesses.
Bellatrix shoves me and locks the door as she leaves. I push myself up off the ground and examine my knees, they are scabbed,bloodyand bruised, in all circumstances not that bad. Then I hear my Fathers voice boom out inside my room
"Now Lucifer, ready?" He smears not really caring my opinion on the matter.
Then I here the dreadful sound of a starting fire. I look around I alarm and see and giant mass of flames growing quickly this is worse then last time! You see last time they conjured up a cliff for my fear of falling and pushed me off.

I look around at the  flames surrounding me and put my hands up near my face in attempt to gaurd myself from the flames. I'm already covered in bruises and third degree burn. On top of all that to make things worse I'm running out of oxygen I'm going to die, right now at the hansds of my father and Bellatrix. Goodbye Hogwarts... Goodbye my first ever friends.... Goodbye headmaster Dumbledore with that I start sobbing and fall to the ground and allow the games to wash over me. The last thing I remember is seeing Headmaster Dumbledore burst into the room, extinguish the flames and pick up my almost lifeless body.
Alright guys, I just wanted to thank you all for reading this story so far and I know it is probably a really suckish story, probubly because it is my first wattpad story, but that's not the point the point is just thank you all for reading this so far! Anyway for all of you hopeing for romance in this story.... Don't worry its coming! ;)

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