Chapter Five

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I wake up with Lily standing protectively over me,
"Hey Lily what are you doing?" I ask
"Lucifer I- don't -know -your -middle- name Riddle I was worried sick I saw you run out of the hall and I couldn't find you! Eventually I found you here! " she lectures me.
"I am so so so sorry Lily! I didn't mean to scare you like that! And by the way what time is it?" I apologize.
"It is 10:30 Saturday why?" She replies.
"I have to go visit my Father!" I answer and dash to the bathroom I take a quick shower and get dressed in a pair of black ripped up jeans and a old Green day t-Shirt I found at a muggle thrift shop "Bye Lily!" I yell and quickly disappear.

See I have these strange powers that allow me to 1)turn invisible without any charms and 2) I can teleport kind of like apparating but just, not.

I open my eyes as I reappear at my Fathers house "H-Hello F-father" I whisper and look down at my feet. "Hello Pet!" Bellatrix snaps at me "What house did you get in? Slytherin I presume." My Father asks
"N-no i-I g-got in-into um, ...-" I stutter
"Spit it out Pet!" Bellatrix says harshly
"I got in-into um ...IgotintoGryffindor!" I spit out then I prepare myself. "Pet, what did I say to you before you left?" Bellatrix asks me.
I don't answer I just look at my beat up combat boots I borrowed from Lily "crucio!" Bellatrix yells I collapse on the floor and scream,this time I couldn't help it my Father was helping her.
My insides felt they were going to explode and I fight to stay awake with that thought I gather all my remaining strength and teleported leaving my Father and Bellatrix yelling at me to come back.

I transport to whoever or where ever I'm thinking about at the moment right now the only person I had on my mind was Sirius Black.

He had been very nice to me ever since I had arrived at Hogwarts. He even asked to be my friend!

The last thing I remember saying was " Sirius... Tortured.... Father....Gryffindor not Slytherin..." Then the darkness consumed me.

My eyes flutter open quickly getting used to the brightness of the room, then I notice who is sitting in the chair next to me sound asleep guess who it is?

You guessed it none other then Sirius Black himself!
I smile softly as he wakes up and I decide to let him think I am still asleep with that I pretend to still be asleep.

"Come on Lucy! You have to wake up the whole gang is worried about you! Please Wake up! If you wake up I will buy you those charm books I saw you looking at when I was getting my school books!" Sirius rambles
I mentally gasp he saw me looking at those! Then I decide it was time to officially wake up and to see if he ment what he said.

I allow my eyes to flutter open one again and pretend to squint against the bright infirmary light. "Sirius?" I ask " I'm right here Lucy! Madame Pomfrey!" Sirius calls out to the school nurse "She's awake!" I smile slightly and realized that I'm bruised black and blue pretty much everywhere and I have patched up cuts all over my face Madame Pomfrey rushes in and hands me some medicine which I drink down quickly.

"Now Darling you can either stay here for the day or you can face your classes if you feel up to it." I think about it for a moment and then make up my mind,
"I will face my classes" I say trying to look brave because I knew everyone was going to bully me even more now.
"Are you sure? You are still pretty beat up?" Sirius says looking concerned,
"Yes I'm sure, after all it not the worst thing I've been through once they tried to torture me in to insanity." I whisper starting to get out of bed I hear Sirius gasp,
Once I manage to stand up I try to take a step and bite back a yelp of pain, instantly Sirius is at my side helping me walk to the Gryffindor common room
"How long was I out?" I ask curiusly
"A week." Sirius answers
"What day is it?" I question
"It's Friday" He answers
I nod my head as Sirius says the password to the portrait whole "Gryffin"
The portrait whole swings open and Sirius leads me over to the girls dorm stairs he let's go of me and I ask shyly "Could you walk me to class I don't want to be alone right now."
"Of course!" Sirius answers smiling and I smile shyly back
I walk up to Lily and my room and change into my Gryffindor cloths and comb through my tangled black hair.
I walk back down the stairs gripping the railing like my life depended on it when I see Sirius waiting for me a slight smile appears on my face
"Ready?" Sirius asks
"Ready." I confirm

I walk down the hallway with Sirius helping me walk to transfiguration and I can feel the hatred coming off of some peoples glares. When I walk in through Professor McGonagall's doorway Lily immediately hugs me and squeezes me a little to tight causing me to yelp in pain.
"Omigosh, I am so sorry Lucy!" Lily apologizes to me then Remus asks 
"Where were you?"
"Ummm... I'll tell you later" I whisper knowing how many people are looking at me. Just at that moment McGonagall walks in the door and starts teaching her lesson.

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