part 9-Alternate??

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Last time we left off class 1-A along with the space hero thirteen were introduced to tomura todoroki. Next to the villain was a purple creature with a beak for a mouth with and a exposed brain as many villains began to come out of the portal.

"Kurogiri? I was told endeavor would be here!" Tomura yelled

"He will, But first we must exterminate some pests" kurogiri replied as tomura ordered the villains to attack the student's

Aizawa jumped in immediately taking on the villains as he gave thirteen the order to contact the hero's.

Before she could kurogiri appeared in the middle of the group as he began to prepare to teleport the students as thirteen tried to stop him but got her attack redirected. before he could teleport the students katsuki and katsumi attacked kurogiri holding him by his neck brace.

"Ilda run to the school and contact the hero's they've cut all forms of long distance communication" thirteen yelled

"But what about all of you?" He asked

"We'll be fine, now run!" Izuku told him as ilda nodded and began to run, but was stopped by another kurogiri?

"What the!?" Just as ilda was about to run into him izuku shot the other kurogiri making him disperse from the door as ilda was able to escape.

The second kurogiri growled in pain as he opened a large portal beneath the students as all of them got transported all over the USJ. The first stood as he thanked the second with a bow.

"Master was correct about sending the two of us" kurogiri 1 said as the 2nd agreed

"Indeed, I just hope young shigaraki does not get found within the chaos" the 2nd said while the other nodded as both returned to tomura todoroki

With Deku:-

Izuku, Dio and tokoyami were transported to the middle of a mountain area as they immediately began to be swarmed by villains. Tokoyami asked

"So do we have a plan?" Tokoyami summoned dark shadow

"I'll think of one" izuku said charging his finger nails

"Better do it quick!" Dio said transforming into his half-dino form

The villains began to surround them as izuku and Diego had a grin of excitement. Izuku began to shoot his fingernails at a group of villains as thanks to the force of act 2 made them disperse along with cutting some of their limbs off.

Dio charged at the group of villains with animal quirks. One villain who had a bull Head charged at Diego who dodged and clawed him on his face then followed it up with a smack from his tail sending him flying towards another group of villains.

Diego then charged at the rest extending claws covering them with the spin as he punched a villain who had the body of a beetle as the villain scoffed.

"Heh, it's gonna take a lot more than that to crack my-" he was cut off when he heard cracks coming from his abdomen as Diego had penetrated his armor

Diego then channeled the spin through his fist which made the villains body contort as he fell on to the ground. As after he began Fighting the others.

Tokoyami on the other hand was fighting weapon based quirk users which he took care of easily.

The three students had taken care of the villains surrounding them as when Diego looked over the mountain range he saw multiple villains waiting for them.

"Uhh johnny, what are we gonna do about them?" Pointing at the villains

"We need a plan quick or were going to get surrounded" tokayami said punching a villain with dark shadow

the crippled hero izuku zeppeli حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن