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8 / chapter 8

Joo smile. Joo melihat ke arah Jungkook.

Joo : Jungkook ah , gumawo * smile *

Jungkook POV :

O to the M , M to the G , OMG , her smile , make me melt. Jungkook , don't show your melt face. Be elegan.

Jungkook : * smile and nod *




< after 1 month >

Joo kembali sihat tetapi kali ini dia pergi ke bilik CEO , ingin memberitahu sesuatu.

- at CEO room -

Bang Sihyuk : oh ! Joo ah , why you here ?

Joo : CEO , I want to quit from this group

Bang Sihyuk shocked.

Bang Sihyuk : why ?

Joo : I hate to hear haters comment. Everyday I think about it. I want to start new life at Busan. Don't tell them that I quit from this group and don't tell them where am I. Its my promise to you. Keep this secret.

CEO sigh.

Bang Sihyuk : fine , I can't force you. Now you can go.

Joo : thanks

Baru sahaja Joo ingin melangkah.

Bang Sihyuk : wait !

Joo menoleh.

Joo : what ?

Bang Sihyuk : take care and this is gift from Jungkook. He want to give this to you but his brave don't enough so he told me to give this.

Joo melihat gelang tersebut dan senyum. Joo menundukkan kepalanya dan berlalu pergi dari situ.

< 5 years later >

- at cafe -

Joo termenung melihat ke tingkap. Fans Joo mula melupakan Joo. Joo masih memakai gelang yang diberi oleh Jungkook dan kakak iparnya iaitu Arin.

Alice menyinggung bahu Joo. Alice adalah rakan sekerja Joo di Bonia Cafe.

Alice : what's wrong ?

Joo : eh ? Nothing.

Alice : you remember it again ?

Joo nod. Alice sigh.

Alice : just forget it * look at Joo *

* kring *

Loceng pintu cafe berbunyi. Alice dan Joo menoleh. Joo berdiri dari duduknya.

Joo : who are yo..

Joo dipeluk erat. Lelaki itu memakai mask hitam.

Joo melepaskan diri dari pelukan itu.

Joo : who are you ?!

Lelaki itu membuka mask.

Joo shocked.

Joo : Jungkook ?! Why you here ?

Air mata Jungkook mmengalir. Adui , Joo si Jungkook tu tinggal di Busan. Memanglah dia tau di mana kau . Eh ? Back to the point.

Jungkook : why you leave me ?!

Joo : I.. I

Jungkook menangis. Orang yang berada di cafe melihat ke arah mereka berdua. Joo menarik tangan Jungkook..

[ at outside ]

Jungkook masih menangis.

Joo : don't cry !

Masih lagi menangis.

Joo : fine , I was quit because I...

Jungkook : i what ?

Joo : because I'm tired !!

Air mata Joo mengalir.

Joo : they never stop to judge me and teased me. Start that day , I know that no one love me.

Jungkook : who say no one love you ? * melihat Joo *

Joo little shocked. Mereka berdua bertentangan mata.

Joo : ok that's it for today. I want to go to work. Don't find me again

Joo segera bangun daripada duduknya. Jungkook hanya memerhati.

Joo kembali ke cafe. Joo mengambil beg nya.

Alice : yahh don't forget your shift !

Joo hanya pergi.

[ at her home ]

Joo cry. She don't know what to do right now.




- knock knock -

Joo membuka pintu rumahnya. Dia ditarik oleh seseorang.


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