Chapter 5

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America's POV:

I gazed out the window, watching the rain and thinking about Maxon and I dancing on the roof, getting soaked and wondering how I had ever thought I didn't want him. What I would do to go back there, to live with him, be with him. What I would do to trade places with Kriss.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the ringing of the telephone reverberated around the peaceful house.

"America? Will you get it?" Mom called from upstairs.

I pushed myself up from the window seat, feeling weaker by the day and went to answer the telephone.

"Hello?" I mumbled.


I recognized that voice, even muffled over the phone. I knew that voice, the way he pronounces my name, never rushing through, but annunciating all the syllables A-mer-i-ca.


"Maxon?" I said, my eyes filling up with tears.

"Yes. It's me." I could hear how happy he sounded.

As jealous as I was of Kriss that she got to live with him and make him feel that way, I was glad one of us could be happy.

"H-how are y-you?" I stammered.

"Um, I'm fine, well not really, actually. That's why I need to talk to you." his voice had changed, it sounded urgent maybe.

"Look, America. I made the wrong choice. We are meant to be together. It's supposed to be me and you, you and I. Can I come see you?"

I was shocked, my mouth fell open as I processed it all.


"Uh, yes. Sorry, this is a lot. I wasn't expecting this." I mumbled.

"I know and I'm sorry, but can I come see you? I have a flight booked for Monday but if that's too soon, I can postpone." he said, I could picture his furrowed brow and his concerned face.

"No, t-that's fine. I'd be happy for you to come." I told him.

"Thank you, America" I could hear the relief in his voice. "Well, I'll leave you, see you soon."

"Goodbye, Maxon" I hung up after that.

I swallowed. I needed to tell Mom and May immediately.

I went to find May and asked her to come with me. She followed me into Mom's room where Mom was reading in bed.

"America, May is everything alright?" Mom asked.

"Yes, America. What's this about?"

"That was Maxon on the telephone, he wants to come here... two days... for m-me." I managed.

I could see both of their mouths drop open. Once May had realised, she jumped up and down, clapping her hands.

"I knew you two were meant to be, Ames." she squealed.

I smiled weakly, then looked at Mom, who looked stricken.

"Well, what did you say?" Mom said

"I told him he could come, I can't decline an invitation from the Crown Prince of Illéa, Mom"

"America! What are you doing standing there?! We need to get the house ready! May, go to the grocery store and buy all the ingredients for our best meals." ordered Mom.

I laughed a loud, genuine laugh, which made Mom tear up. I had hardly smiled in the last few weeks, let alone laugh.

"America, strip the beds, and put the new linens on."

May and I walked out and got to work.

A few hours later, the house was spotless, we had a fridge full of food and we ate cereal on the living room floor because we were all too exhausted to cook and we didn't want to risk spilling anything on the dining table or couches. I think Gerad enjoyed it though. He caught me looking at him and gave me a smile and thumbs up, then went back to his cereal.

"Dad would have loved this." I thought.

I went to sleep very happy that night, for the first time in what felt like years. 

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Here's the new update. 

I hope you enjoyed - I am currently writing a VERY exciting part that I think everyone will love but we will get to that soon...

Have a great day and stay fabulous <3


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