|6.8| Temple of Audhelga

Start from the beginning

One thing that caught Grace's eye, though, was the dagger that her clone was holding in her hand, like she had used it many times before. It was the size of her wand, its handle was of ivory and it was decorated with small gems and crystal and it's blade was thin, sharp and double-edged. It gave the appearance of feminine ornate but at the same time was a deadly jeweled dagger which could easily cut through bones. 

"You need to die." she repeated, in the same voice and tone she had used before. 

Before Grace could say or do anything, the clone marched toward her and stabbed her with the dagger in the stomach. She gasped in pain as the clone pulled out the dagger before stabbing her again. 

"Die. Die. Die." she said as she continued to plunge the dagger in her stomach. The red blood flowed out of her wound, staining the dress.

Grace fell down, her blood-tainted hands covering the wound as the blood gushed out forming crimson flowers on the white marble floor. Her eyes slowly looked up to see herself holding the now blood-stained dagger. 

"Grace, wake up!"

She woke up startled to see Hermione sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Wake up." Hermione repeated. "It's time to go to Dumbledore's office. Harry's waiting for you downstairs. 

"It's time already?" her voice came out hoarse. Grace cleared her throat and got out of the bed. "Tell him to wait, I'm coming." 

Hermione nodded and rushed downstairs. turning left Grace went in the bathroom. She opened the tap and splashed a handful of water on her face. She couldn't understand the dream, it was weird. It was the first time she dreamt of something like this. And what was more peculiar was that she could remember the dream very clearly like it was a memory. She neither recognised the place and nor the location.

Shaking her head, she tried to get rid of the thoughts, and rushed down. Hermione, Harry and Ron were waiting for her. 

"You okay?" Harry asked her noticing how tired she looked.

"I'm fine." Grace answered with a smile. "Let's go."

Both Harry and Grace left the common room and hurried off until they reached the spot in the seventh-floor corridor where a single gargoyle stood against the wall.

"Acid Pops," said Harry, and the gargoyle leapt aside; the wall behind it slid apart, and a moving spiral stone staircase was revealed, onto which Harry and Grace stepped, so that they were carried in smooth circles up to the door with the brass knocker that led to Dumbledore's office.

Grace knocked.

"Come in," said Dumbledore's voice.

"Good evening, sir," The two said together, walking into the headmaster's office.

"Ah, good evening, Harry and Grace. Sit down," said Dumbledore, smiling. "I hope you two have had an enjoyable first week back at school?" 

"Yes, thanks, sir," said Harry.

"I wouldn't say enjoyable, sir. It was fine." said Grace honestly.

"I quite understand." said Dumbledore smiling at her. "Not many like the first week of the school."

Grace smiled. 

"You must have been busy, Harry, a detention under your belt already!" 

"Er," began Harry awkwardly, but Dumbledore did not look too stern.

"I have arranged with Professor Snape that you will do your detention next Saturday instead."

"Right," said Harry.

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