Until we meet again

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You appeared in the little apartment. Queenie ran out to her room crying Tina went after her. You and Newt juts stood there in silence for a few minutes not letting go of his hand. "Y/n..would you like to help me feed my creatures?" Newt asked. "Yes I would love to Newt." You said smiling happily.

Newt POV:

When she smiled it made his heart skip. He was so happy he couldn't believe he had said he loved her and she loved him back. He was watching her feed the MoonCafe. She was so beautiful her smile made him feel so warm. After a few hours of taking care of his creatures Newt went to find
Y/n. He found her asleep in a pile of mooncafes a niffler and dougal all asleep on her. He smiled seeing how much his creatures loved Y/n how safe they felt with her. He decided to let them all sleep. He should get some himself after all he had been up all night fighting and now it was almost 1 in the afternoon. He went to his little cot in the corner of his hut and went to sleep. As he was falling asleep Newt couldn't help but wonder...How did Grindenwald know Y/n? As this thought of wonder sword though his head he fell asleep.

Your POV:

You woke up in a pile of creatures Dougals fair was warm and soft as he acted like a pillow for your head. The mooncafes big heads where taking up your hole lap and your stomach was being covers by a tiny niffer huddled in a circle. You smiled. You had no idea what time it was you tryed to get up but all the creatures where still asleep and vary heavy. Juts then Newt came out of his hut in his vest ,whit under shirt, pants and his bow tie was undone. "Newt.." you said quietly so you wouldn't wake up the creatures. "Y/n your up." Newt said going over to you. "Yep but this guys are still fast asleep." You said trying not to laugh as Newt carefully took the niffler and placed him on the ground. Then he jently moved the mooncafes heads off your lap. Now all that was left was Dougal. "We can wake him up he likes to know what's happening.." Newt muttered. He leaned over you and tapped Dougal on the head. "Dougal..it's time to get up.." he said softly. Dougal opened his eyes and Newt stepped back. Dougal stretched and moved to the front of you. His big hazel eyes looked into yours. Then they terned a brilliant shad of light blue they only did that for a second when they went back to normal. "What was that?" You asked him quietly "oh he can see the most predictable and immediate future." Newt answered "well that cool." You said. You got up and then Tina came in. "Good morning." She said "good is Queenie ok?" You asked. "Oh she's still heart broken but she's asleep finely." She said "good" Newt said "I can't imagine being torn away form someone you love and knowing they might not remember you ever again." You said. Newt looked over at you.

After a few days of packing and saying goodbye to everyone you and Newt headed off to the boats. You where not exited for the boat ride but you had Newt. That was all that mattered. After 6 more days out at sea you where finally back home. You and Newt had promised to Wright to everyone so you could keep in touch. Newt walked you home. When you where at your house you two stopped at your doorway. You had gotten to used to seeing Newt every day that it was sad that you might not see him for you don't know how long. You had work to catch up on and Newt has his creatures. "Y/n.." Newt said "yes?" You said "I..I will miss you..I I've gotten so used to seeing you every day that I..well it going to be weird.." he said shyly "oh Newt I was juts thinking That to." You said smiling "and I will miss you to but we can write and we can visit we don't live that far apart." You said slightly laughing. He smiled "ca.." he started but them stopped. "Newt you can tell anything to me." You said. You where on the stairs leading to your door and Newt was on the sidewalk so you where now slightly taller then him. "Can I kiss you?" He asked looking at you. "Yes of course you can." You said smiling. It was a lot easier to kiss when you where the same hight. After your kiss Newt left. You went and unpacked your bags the hole time replaying the last few months. When you had left you had no idea what was in store for you. You had fallen in love with your best friend from school and he loved you. You had amazing friends and you where the happiest you had been in a long time..

The end

Hey guys thank you for reading my book I am making a part 2 so be looking out for that! Hope you loved it!🤗 Thank you for 1k readers!

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