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This chapter is inspired by okayjhannahs His only.

You where so worried you had heard Newt yelling and it made your heart hurt. You heard someone open the case, you stood up. "Come on guy go hide" you told all the creatures. They all ran away you tryed to get away before anyone saw you, but you felt someone grab your soldier and hold you back. It was an auror. "I should have known you would be with mr. Scamander..." said the man with black hair and Gray sideburns he was wearing a long coat that looked like dress robes. "Who are you?" You asked. "Graves" he said coldly "don't hurt any of this creatures there not dangerous! If you hurt them you will pay!" You threatened "we will see..." he said. "Take her to an interrogation room I will be there in a minute.." he told the auror. The auror roughly pulled you out of the case and brought you down into the basement. You went down a hallway you saw a sell at the end of the hallway. Newt,Tina and Jacob where in the sell "Y/n!" Newt call out to "all the creatures are safe!" You called. You where bragged into a room and pushed into a chair. graves was there "so Y/n is it?" He said "yes..." you answered. "You have been with mr. Scamander for the last few weeks as I know you are vary close.." he questioned. "How do you know that?" You asked "I have my ways" he answered. "Now if you cooperate nothing will happen to you. Is mr. Scamander involved with Grindenwald?" He said " what?" You said socked. "No of course not he's not one of Grindenwald Finatticz." You denied " why do I not believe you?" He said "I don't know but Newt is not with Grindenwald." You said "I'm sorry miss.Y/l/n but I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this.." "what?" You started to feel the fear fill you up. "Out" he said to the guards. They left the room and graves took out his wand. " Maybe Mr. Scamander needs a little persuasion.." he said pointing his wand at you. "W-what are you going to do?" You asked terrified "something I wish I didn't have to.." he said.

Newts POV:

He's heart was relieved to have seen Y/n that she was safe. "What are they going to do with Y/n?" Newt asked. "I don't know?" Tina said worrydly juts then Newt heard a heart stopping scream coming from the room where Y/n was taken. Newt stood up and began to bang on the bars of the sell. Y/ns screams egoed through the hallway. "Y/N!" Newt yelled he felt angrier feel him up. "Gaves!! Let me out!" He yelled. Juts then the screams stoped. Some how it was Evan more terrifying then when she was steaming. Is she..No Newt couldn't think like that he wouldn't...she couldn't! "Come on.." said a gard "where is Y/n?" Newt said angerly "you to." He said pointing to Tina. They led them into the same room Y/n had been juts minutes ago. When they got in Y/n was not there. "Where's Y/n!" Newt said "that not why your here." Graves said "where is she?" He said so mad he had never been this mad in his life. After Newt was questioned he and Tina where sentenced to death.

Your POV:

You where thrown in a Pitch black room, your muscles where aching you had never been in so much pain. You lay on the ground still crying form the pain. After a few minutes someone came into the room. "Get up." Said a mans voice. He pulled you up it hurt so bad when you moved. He made you walk down the long hallway until you reached a white room. Newt and Tina where there. "Y/n!" Newt said trying to get out of a lady's Grassp. The man throw you on the floor you whimpered in pain. Newt tryed to go to you but his hands where tide behind his back and he was being held back. "Let's do the weak one first she will be easy." One of the woman in white Close said. One of them came up to you and pulled you up. You Sheakley stood up and the woman pointed her wand to your Head you flinched. You went into some kind of trants. All the sudden you where broken out of your trants. You where in a Metal chair over black water. You looked at Newt the woman was about to take one of his memory's when he flipped his hands with the hand cuffs and hit the woman with them. He through a creature. Newt had told you about it was call swooping evil it started to fly around you. Newt  stunned the other woman. Tina juts stood there in shock. A wand fell into the black water and it's started to turn and swirl. It was getting higher toward you. "NEWT!" You yelled "Y/n don't panic!" He said back "what else is she supposed to do?" Tina said sarcastically. You couldn't stand up on your own you tryed but you where two weak. "Jump.." Newt said "what? I can't Evan stand!" You said "trust me juts jump! You can do it you have to!" He said he looked even more terrified than you where. "Ok.." you said Sheakley. The black water was almost to you. You manage to stand up. "Ready?" Newt said "umm maybe.." you said "Jump!" He said. You jumped while closing your eyes. You felt your feet bounce off something and you fell into strong arms. You opened your eyes to see Newt holding you tight. You looked into his beautiful blue/green eyes. He put his hand out and caught the sweeping evil. He grabbed your hand and pulled you and Tina down the hallway. As you ran with Newt eventually you couldn't take the pain anymore and fell to the ground. "Y/n?" Newt said concerned "no no" you said as tears started to fall off your chin. Juts then Queenie and Jacob came down the hall. "Tinnie!" Queenie said happily they hugged then Queenie saw you. "Oh my gosh sweetie are you ok?" She said coming over to you. "N-no it really hurts.." you stuttered out. She held out Newts case. "Get in." She said seriously. Newt carried you in and layed you on the cot. "I'm so sorry Y/n.." he said sitting on the cot next to you. He was looking so sad it made your heart hurt. "Newt don't feel bad it wanst your fault." You said putting a hand on his shoulder your hand was sacking in pain. He grabbed your hand and put it back on the cot still holding it. "Y/n are you ok I'm so so sorry I-I am completely to blame I shouldn't have brought you in. Greaves made me think that it was the only way!" Tina said "it's ok Tina." You said "no it's not!" All the sudden Queenie was there she looked mad. "Tina! Looked what happened to Y/n and all because of you!" She yelled "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Tina defended herself "stop both of you!" You looked up and saw that Newt had said in angry voice. It shocked you. Newt had never talked like that all the time you had known him. "Y/n is really hurt and you two are juts fighting." He was standing at his full hight. "Do you want to go up to bed hunny?" Queenie asked "I don't think I can.." you said "Y/n I would feel more comfortable if you stayed here so I can keep an eye on you." He said genuinely. "Ok Newt I will stay" you said.

Little one Newt Scamander X readerWhere stories live. Discover now