How it began

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13 yrs ago

A couple were in a cave waiting for they're child to be born. More specific the couple was no other tan Namikaze Minato the fourth Hokage and his wife Kushina Uzumaki.

'AHHH ARGH' Kushina screamed in pain as she was pushing.

'Just a little more Kushina' Minato said with a loving and caring voice.

'ARG AAAH' Kushina continued to scream.

Soon the cave was filled with cries of a new born child. Minato was going over to see his new born child.

'Excuse me sir but the mother most see the child first' A woman said. More specific the third hokages wife. Pushed Minato away and gave the new born child to Kushina.

Kushina felt her heart fell pure joy as she was now holding a beautiful baby boy.

But that happiness was soon erupted when Minato heard the sound of piecing skin. When he turned around he saw the two only people who were in the cave besides Minato and Kushina dead on the floor.

'Lady Biwako! Taji!' Minato yelled

He turned around to see a masked man holding his son.

'Step away from the Jinchuruki and your child won't get hurt's said the masked man in a very mysterious voice while pulling out a kunain.

'Naruto!' Kushina screamed seeing as her son's life was now put in danger.

This made Minato pissed seeing his son in danger. And in a quick move he had his child in his arms. And soon realized that Naruto's blanket had explosive paper's.

He quickly disappeared right on time before the paper's exploded. He disappeared once more.

At Minato and Kushina's house

Minato layed Naruto down on his bed and covered him

Somewhere in the forest

The masked man had started the extraction of the nine tailed fox. While the extraction began he put the Kyubi under his comand by using his sharingan that was visible through the only hole in his mask.

Kushina could feel the nine tails was being extracted from her. She could feel the kyubis rage boiling inside her; she knew he was desperate to get out.

Once the kyubis chakra was finally pulled out of kushina the kyubi was finally released. He let a ferociuss groul.

'Good' said the masked said as he looked at kyubi. 'You don't die right away after the Tailed Beast is extraxted' continued the masked mas while still looking at the kyubi.

The kyubi looked at the masked man. The masked man looked at him and said 'I'll use him to kill you'. 

The kyubi looked at Kushina and raised his paw to strike at Kushina; but before he could hurt her she was out of sight.

Minato had gotten Kushina out of the Kyubis attack and landed on a tree.

'I must say you're as quick as you're nick name' said the masked man while looking at Minato and Kushina.

'Is Naruto...Is he safe?' asked Kushina with a very exhausted voice.

'Yes he is safe' said Minato while noding.

'Minato, you must stop that man and the Kyubi right now' Kushina told Minato in a very determined  voice. 

With that being said minato left.

'He flew off again' said the masked man

At Minato and Kushina's house

Minato carried Kushina toward their bed and placed her right next to a sleeping Naruto

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