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    "Don't make sound." "What is going on?" "I need you to come with me." "Right now?" "Yes." "I'm a little busy help-." "This is more important. Please come." She let out a soft sigh and nodded her head.
I walked her out of the room, and into another part of the Ministry. "What is it, Sirius?" "I have so much to say to you." "Well I knew you would tell me how much you despise me one day. So let's hurry this up so I can go home." "I love you." "I know y... wait what?" "I love you, Roxanne. I don't blame you for what happened with your mother. It wasn't your fault." "But I-." "I know you blame yourself. You don't have to. It was an accident, and I want you to know I've always loved you. There wasn't anytime where I didn't love you." "I thought you hated me." "Never. And when we get out of this. I promise I will take you to the most amazing places. These places are the most important things in my life." "Really?" "Yes. Now I hope you can forgive me for everything I've ever said or done. I really want to make peace with you. Can you forgive me?" She looked at me with a shocked face, and then her face softened with a small smile on her face. I haven't seen her smile in such a long time. It feels nice to see some light shed across her face. Tears filled her eyes, and she let out a little chuckle. "Of course I forgive you. I've been wishing for you to that. I love you too dad."
I grabbed her and pulled her into something I haven't done with her in forever...I gave her a hug. "I can't remember the last time we did this." Roxanne said. "I can't remember the last time you hugged me back." She chuckled. "That's because I never did." She looked up to me with tears still coming down her face. "I didn't know how to hug anyone when I was three." She went back to hug me, but a loud noise jolted her to stare off. "Roxanne?" "Yes?" "What was that?" "I don't know." "Get your wand out." "It's already out."
We walked towards the noise. Which only got louder, and more violent. The door was rattling as if someone was touching the doorknob. It sounded like someone was was taking a hammer, and smashing the door. Before we could do anything, someone touched my shoulder. Both Roxanne and I let out a feared shout, and turned around to see Tonks behind us.
We both let out a relived sigh. "Tonks, you scared us both nearly to death." I say. "I'm terribly sorry, but we have a problem." "What is it?" "Harry and his friends are being held hostage." "What?!" Roxanne shouts. "Quiet dear." I say. She rolls her eyes at me, and walks towards a door. "You need a spell to get there." Tonks says. "What's the spell?" "We all need to go together. The others are coming now." "Well hurry up Nymphadora. Whip up this spell." "Don't call me that." "Fine, Tonks. Hurry up."
Tonks turned to me with a suspicious look on her face. "This is the first time I've seen her like this." "I've put her in a calming but yet protective mood." "Do tell." "I told her how much I "loved her". And I'm glad to see she's doing better." "Do you love her?" "Yes of course." "Great. Now let's go save your adoptive son." "He has a name." "And limited time. So let's do this."
  She grabbed her wand, and walk towards Roxanne with me following behind. Damn I really hope Harry is alright.

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