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    Sweet, sweet hot water splashing on my face. It feels good when you have hot water spraying your face. I was enjoying my shower thinking of the time where Harry, and I were throwing eggs at Sirius's cousin. We were only eleven, but it was one of the most amazing things ever. And it's actually how we grew a little bond, before it was over.
   The shower curtain was shoved out of the way, and Pansy was staring at me. "You know it would be nice if you knocked." "Harry wants us to be in front of the school in ten minutes." "What? I just got in the shower!" "Yeah I know. But he's really desperate so you need to get changed." "You'd think he would be considerate." "No. I don't. And I don't want to be there as much as you. But I also know that you're stalling. So get your ass out of the shower!"
   She closed the shower curtain, and stormed out of the bathroom. I turned the shower water off, and walked out wearing a towel. Something was bothering her but I couldn't understand what. "Is everything alright, Pans?" "Why was I dragged into this?" "I don't know. Maybe Harry sees a great deal in you." "Bullshit. He's never asked me or you to do anything until now." "Yeah I know." "I don't give a fuck. I just want to get this stupid thing over with." "We may or may not die today." "Or we might be brutally tortured." "Or-." "Hurry up!" Harry yells. "He's been outside the door this whole time?" Pansy asks. "Guess so."
   I got dressed quickly even though my hair was still wet. I wore black jeans with a black tank top, and regular black boots. When Pansy and I came to the front of the school. We saw Harry's face filled with rage. "You're one minute late." "Tragedy." Pansy replies. Harry roles his eyes. "Alright. Everyone let's go. Fred, and George have this place secured."
   I hate following Harry, especially like this. Pansy and I could just not get on the train and make a run back to Hogwarts. But something was telling me that I needed to go with Harry, even if I didn't want to. It was an annoying feeling, but it felt important at the same time. It also felt like I would regret not going, which sounds depressing and annoying at the same time.


Once we got near the Ministry it was around nine at night. The entire place was deserted like it was a ghost town. There wasn't anything living my the Ministry's door. It was also like everything was dead for a reason. It felt like a warning that once we enter we can't go back out the same way. And now I'm sounding like a stupid narrator for some quidditch game. "Harry, what part of the ministry are we going too?" I ask. "Shush!" "Don't tell me to-." "Shut up!" "WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE GOING STUPID?!" He turned his attention to me, and it looked like he was about to punch me. "Harry, please relax. Roxanne we're going to a secret part of the Ministry." Luna says. "Thank you, Luna. See that's all you had to do you dumbfuck." Hermione grabbed Harry's arm, and dragged him away. I do enjoy annoying him to the point where someone needs to hold him back.
    We came near a random room, and I heard light screaming. "Harry?" "What!" "I think someone is screaming in that room." I point, and he snaps his head towards this huge door. It was tall, and it looked secured even though it wasn't locked. "Something tells me we shouldn't go in there." Neville addressees. "Why?" Ron asked. "Because there isn't any light in there." "Everyone cast Lumous." "But I just-." (Harry told everyone to cast a spell, and Neville says "but I just-." )
We pulled our wands out and casted the spell while walking in like we were in a horror movie. They're being dramatic for no reason, and I don't understand the suspense. We walked around for some time, and the entire place was filled with crystal balls. But yet there was no screaming, and no one was nearby. I stayed behind everyone while they moved ahead acting like the Sherlock Holmes they think they are. I need new people in the school who aren't like this.
   I heard something behind me like a penny dropping on metal. I turned around and no one was there, but all of a sudden someone grabbed me. They had their hand over my face, and dragged me away. I tried to scream, but they just came out as muffled yelps.
   I was dragged into one of the little areas of the room where I saw a talk figure standing in front of me. He removed his hand from my mouth, and I pointed my wand towards his face. My wand revealed who it was my dad. What the hell is he doing in here?

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