
Start from the beginning

"No, I think we both know, quite well actually, that Wilhelm isn't looking for a girlfriend. I'm simply a friend," Aurelia answered. But August just wasn't hearing it; Aurelia came to the conclusion that this was a regular thing - August believing what August wants.

As he rambled on about how the Queen would be so thankful to know her son was back on the right track and how the monarchy will no longer be embarrassed by the prospect that their now only son is gay, Aurelia moved to the back of the work around and found where they stored the knives. Expertly choosing the biggest one Rosknopp had to its name, Aurelia whirled back around, knife in hand. Evangeline's eyes went wide - Aurelia was unsure if her co-worker was impressed or fearful. August didn't appear fazed by the weapon.

"This is illegal," August said calmly, as Aurelia approached the front of the counter again. "You cannot pull a weapon on a loyal customer, Miss Aurelia, it's simply not right".

"I could give two shits about what's right and what's not," She snapped, "This is what's going to happen, alright? So listen up you little two faced shit".

Evangeline had to contain her laughter, because she could see Aurelia was not messing around. The knife was pointed in August's general direction, and Evangeline was nervous to see what would happen next.

"You are never going to come back here, not ever, alright? You are banned from this café, banned from interacting with me or Evangeline-" Aurelia jerked her head in Evangeline's direction, "Or Wille or Simon. If I hear that you've been an idiot and crossed me, I will not hesitate to stab you. You've ruined enough lives; your reign of terror is over, August".

"Ah," He said, still completely unfazed, "I see you've been subjected to Wilhelm's lies. What exactly did my dear cousin tell you, Miss Aurelia?"

Aurelia's patience was running at an all time low. "That you're a dirty two faced liar who deliberately ruins his family's life by filming the most intimate moments of their lives and then exposing those moments for the whole world to see," Aurelia said with hesitation, "Also that you are no longer apart of his family and he wishes to have nothing to do with you".

Aurelia had backed August into a corner, she could see it. He was grasping for something to say, some witty reply which would keep his name in the clear, but he couldn't find anything. So instead, he flipped the conversation back onto Aurelia. "Am I supposed to be scared?" He asked, nodding towards the knife Aurelia held, which was still pointed in his direction.

"Well, considering I don't typically think through my actions, and for the fact that I'm extremely mentally ill, I would say yes, you probably should be scared that I have a knife, because I won't hesitate to stab you, bitch".

August rolled his eyes, as Wilhelm and Simon appeared in the back storage room doorway. Aurelia whirled around to face them, and to her surprise, there were no tears, no black eyes and everyone appeared pretty happy. Wilhelm did look a bit confused, Simon was most definitely scared about the current situation, but Aurelia figured their conversation probably went pretty well.

"Wille!" August exclaimed happily, as Wilhelm grimaced at the sight of his cousin, "Can you call off your guard dog, the girl is a fucking psycho bitch".

"Is that supposed to be an insult? Please, my mother has called me worst, dipshit," Aurelia snarled.

Wilhelm approached Aurelia, tapping her on the shoulder, "Go for his heart," He said, nodding to August, "And let me know if you find one, will you? Simon and I are going to head to the Palace".

Aurelia nodded, happy to oblige. "We still on for dinner tonight?" Evangeline asked, "You should come, Simon, we would love to get to know you more".

"We'll be there, Evans," Wilhelm promised, as he and Simon took their leave. August watched longingly as they disappeared out onto the street, before turning back to Aurelia, knife in hand.

"You going to leave or am I going to have to mess up that pretty face of yours?" Aurelia asked. August put his hands up in surrender and made a move to leave. "You go anywhere near those two and I'll kill you, asshole!" Aurelia shouted after him, before he too disappeared onto the street.

Aurelia shrugged, placed the knife down before looking around the café full of customers. "Did he deserve it?" One of the older women asked from across the café; her friends were waiting for the answer expectantly.

"Most definitely," Aurelia replied.

"Well, alright then," The woman said, before going back to her conversation with her friends. Aurelia turned to face Evangeline, who didn't look pleased, but also didn't look like she was going to murder someone.

"Was that really necessary?"

"Yes," Aurelia replied.

Evangeline shrugged, "Alright," She said, before thinking over the conversation once more. "You know you don't have the authority to ban people from the cafe, yes?"

"Yup, but he doesn't know that".

"Fair enough".

Aurelia didn't think August would be worrying them any longer. 


(1500 words)

why did chapter sixteen take me two days to write but this chapter took me like an hour? my brain is seriously working against me

also, we love when the government says when everyone else is going back to school, but not year twelve despite the fact that we're doing hsc - which has been pushed back to the 9th of november. 

maybe i'll just drop out . 

hope you enjoyed the chapter! votes and comments are appreciated 

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