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Miss Aurelia Richardson

Bundled up in a parka and thick pants, heavy boots with the parka hood thrown over his head, Wilhelm wandered down the snow covered walkways of the city of Stockholm. Malin trailed behind him, also wrapped up in warm attire, keeping a close eye on the Crown Prince while also granting him space.

Wilhelm's breath materialized into thin mist every time he let out a breath; he was looking forward to the warmth Rosknopp would bring.

It was only a couple more minutes walk before the Prince laid eyes on his favorite little café. Honey coloured warm light flooded the surrounding pathway, the light cutting through the darkness of the winter's day like a knife. Wilhelm approached carefully, as to not slip on the thin cover of ice which had formed on the black tar roads.

Malin hurried to his side to grab the door for him. After thanking her, Wilhelm watched as his bodyguard went and found a place by the window, pulled out her phone and began working away on the small screen.

He shrugged off his parka, folded it over his arm and headed towards the counter. A girl with fiery curly red hair was manning the front counter, drying multicolored mugs with a patterned tea-towel. "Uh, hi," He said, almost shyly. He felt bad about pulling her away from her current job, but the girl didn't seem to mind.

"Hi!" She said, in a perky voice. Wilhelm knew he looked slightly taken aback, but he now heard something he hadn't on the phone. The girl spoke with a delicate yet distinct English accent; she wasn't from around here. "You must be Wilhelm. I'm Aurelia, we spoke on the phone earlier".

"Yeah, uh, yes we did," He agreed, scratching the back of his neck anxiously. He hadn't left the palace since the whole fiasco with Simon and the video, and it felt odd and unusual to be standing in Rosknopp, despite this being far from his first visit.

Because this wasn't his first time visiting, he also knew that Aurelia wasn't a regular worker. He had never seen her before, and yet she appeared completely at home and confident working behind the counter. "Are you, uh, you must be new," Wilhelm blurted out, unsure whether he had meant to or not, "I haven't seen you around here before".

"I moved her a couple weeks ago," Aurelia explained, "Though I must say, I haven't seen you around here either, Wilhelm. You're one of the regulars, though, I can see that," She tapped the small computer screen on the counter, "I have your usual order right here".

"Yeah, it's been a hectic couple of weeks," Wilhelm admitted, "Haven't had much time to stop by. You said you just moved here? Where did you move from?" He wondered aloud.

"England," She replied, "My family aren't the best of people, so I figured a new start in a new country was exactly what I needed. Just the usual for today?" She asked, tapping the screen.

Ah, Wilhelm thought to himself. It made sense now, about why Aurelia didn't connect the dots in relation to Wilhelm's name; she hadn't been around long enough to have dealt with a massive amount of royal drama. She probably didn't even know the names of the King and Queen, let alone him. 

"Uh, yes please, that would be good, thanks," Wilhelm answered, "And you left at Christmas? Was that intentional, or just strange timing?" He continued, scanning his card and paying for his drink.

"Ah, a little bit of both," Aurelia admitted, "Like I said, my family aren't very good people, don't really understand others' needs and necessities. Leaving was something I had to do; because of it, I spent Christmas alone, but in a better mindset then I would have with them".

"They don't understand things like mental health?" Wilhelm asked, as Aurelia got to work making up his drink. She nodded.

"They're very small minded people, not really open to other opinions...or facts for that matter," She added, "I felt as if I was suffocating over in England, with them. Here it's much easier to breathe; everything's so calm, so nicely paced. This job is awesome too," She said, "I don't think I've had one rude customer yet, and I've been working for almost two weeks now".

"I'm glad that you've found a place that makes you comfortable. It can be difficult, being stuck in a situation or place that makes you feel like an outsider, or like you aren't enough". Aurelia placed the take away up filled with steaming liquid in front of Wilhelm.

"Well, now you know my sob story, what about yours?" She asked, "Why are you in such a downer mood today, good Wilhelm?"

Wilhelm hesitated for a moment. "Boy troubles," He finally said, Aurelia nodded understandingly. He fiddled with his hands, and began to avoid eye contact with Aurelia.

"Yeah, it'd certainly be hard to be with someone after something like that video was to leak," She said, sounding genuinely sorry for him, "I know I certainly couldn't deal with it, like the media and the rumors and all that".

Wilhelm raised an eyebrow in confusion, his lips slightly parted as if he was to ask a question but couldn't get the words out. Aurelia chuckled upon seeing his expression. "I might have only moved here a couple weeks ago, but I do have access to social media like a normal person. I've seen what's going on," She said, setting down the mugs she had finished drying. "You want to talk about it?"

"Talk about my relationship, or lack thereof, with a total stranger whom I just met?" He asked. Aurelia shrugged, smirking. As she started on the newest takeaway order which had just popped up on her screen, Malin made her way across the café in a casual but still hurried pace.

"The Queen has requested you to return to the Palace, she wasn't very pleased with you disappearing suddenly," Malin informed the Crown Prince, "And she would also like to meet with you, a family meeting of sorts. We should be heading back; wouldn't want to upset her Majesty, now would we?" She asked.

Wilhelm pursed his lips, but his anger was not for Malin - he knew she was simply doing her job, and he would never blame her for that. "I'll meet you outside in a moment," He said, Malin nodding obediently as she moved towards the café door. Wilhelm turned back to the redhead who manned the counter.

"Family meeting, sound riveting," Aurelia joked, as she finished up making the order, "Will you be joining us tomorrow sometime, Princeling?"

Wilhelm chuckled, "Wow, a nickname? I feel honored," He replied, in the same sarcastic manner, "Will you be working tomorrow?"

"I work every day, Princeling".

"I will see you tomorrow, then," Wilhelm promised. After downing the last of his hot drink, Aurelia cleared away his dishes as Wilhelm collected his belongings. He bid Aurelia good day, thanked her for her service and kindness, before heading to the door to meet Malin.

He had to admit, he wished he could have stayed at Rosknopp. The prospect of heading back home wasn't something that he wished upon himself. 


(1215 words)

we love when going into lockdown for a week (though it's definitely going to be longer) with no idea when final exams are going to take place. 

yeah, my thursday is going wonderfully. 

be sure to vote and comment!

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