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baristas and their homicidal tendencies

Wilhelm and Simon had flown down the flight of stairs, and raced for the back storage door which led back into the café. Before Simon had a chance to throw it open, however, Wilhelm stopped him, pressing his hand against Simon's chest to make him stop dead in his tracks. Peering through the small, square window which was mounted on the door, Wilhelm saw a surprising, and slightly puzzling scene laid out in front of him.

Evangeline was standing at the counter, positioned over the computer as she typically was. August stood on the other side of the counter, and he appeared to be ordering.

What was troubling Wilhelm the most was that Aurelia had somehow found a knife...and was pointing in August's direction.

Some minutes beforehand....

"I'm sure they're fine, you really need to quit worrying," Evangeline promised, as she finished off the caramel macchiato she was making up, "It's not like they're having a screaming match or something. If something was wrong, we would know about it".

"Wille was just really worried about it, I don't know, maybe his anxiety is rubbing off on me," Aurelia commented, as continued to wipe down the counter, "Not that I need anymore. Did you know my mother is still in town? I've banned her from coming here, I'm afraid I'll actually pour hot coffee on her if she ever came back".

"I understand she's your mother, but damn, the woman is brutal. You should have heard how she was speaking to me about you, it sounded like she wanted to kill you over having just a normal conversation with her daughter". Aurelia didn't reply; her eyes were locked on a boy outside, a boy who was making his way over to Rosknopp. A familiar boy.

Aurelia threw her tea towel down against the counter as she blew out a frustrated breath. "Oh, fuck me," She muttered to herself, as her hands flew to her hips and her eyes stayed locked on the boy.

"Everything alright?" Evangeline asked, as the boy crossed the road, his course set for Rosknopp. She followed Aurelia's eyeline to find who she was looking at, and her eyes came down upon August, dressed in a black turtleneck and black pants. Sunglasses covered his eyes, and Evangeline couldn't help but grimace. "Who is he? We don't like him right? He doesn't seem like a very likeable person".

"He's Wilhelm's cousin," Aurelia explained, "And he's the one who released the video".

Evangeline couldn't help but gasp, "He was the one who broke them up?" She exclaimed, as the door to Rosknopp opened, August passing over the threshold. "Do you want me to take this one?" She asked, but Aurelia had already gotten ridden of the tea towel she was using beforehand, the counter clean.

"Hi, my name is Aurelia, welcome to Rosknopp. How may I help you today?" Aurelia asked in a perky, upbeat voice. Evangeline was no stranger to Aurelia's customer service voice, but she found it impressive how quickly Aurelia could squash down her anger towards the boy, and become professional in the time span of mere seconds.

August didn't answer her straight away, though he did look Aurelia up and down, his mouth open slightly. "Aurelia, you said your name was?" He asked, as if he knew something.

Aurelia tried not to make a face; he knew exactly who she was, she could see it on his face. "Yes, that's me," She said, trying to retain that perky voice from before.

August nodded knowingly, "Yes, you're Wilhelm's girlfriend. I remember you from Hillerska," He sounded excited, and Aurelia had to restrain from punching him in the face. Instead, she kept her composure and simply shook her head.

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