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Pep Talks

As the clock struck midday the next day, Aurelia couldn't ignore the certain tinge of uncertainty which hung in the air. The café had changed since the night before; fear could be smelt in the coffee as it brewed. Midday was typically a quiet portion of the day, so Aurelia wasn't surprised when Evangeline said she was right to take her break.

Both baristas had been anxious for Wilhelm, who had only graced them with his presence for a mere few moments. After that, he had escaped to Aurelia's apartment above the café, where he hadn't been heard from since. That was where Aurelia was headed as she flung her back apron from her head.

The door to the apartment was unlocked, as Aurelia expected. She didn't expect, however, to find Wilhelm curled up in the corner with his body folded together tightly, his head resting against his knees. "Everything alright in here?" Aurelia asked cautiously.

Wilhelm moved his head so his eyes faced the window, his cheek now resting against his knees. Aurelia contemplated the situation for several moments before dumping her belongings by the opened door and moved to where Wilhelm said, in the corner by the window. She settled down beside him, crossing her legs beneath herself gracefully. "What's going on?" She asked softly, "Whatever it is, we can work out together?"

Wilhelm raised his head, and Aurelia did her best to hide her shock. The prince's face was puffy and red, his eyes bloodshot and his cheeks stained with the remnants of tears. "You can't fix something this broken," Wilhelm said, sniffling.

Aurelia bit her lip. "This is about the meeting," She said knowingly, Wilhelm clenching his teeth together and looking away. His reflection stared back at him, looking as hollow and empty as he felt. It was snowing again.

He was starting to hate the snow.

"Is there anything I can do to calm your nerves? You should come downstairs, Evangeline's just got a new delivery of cakes and there's this amazing lemon and coconut cake..." While Wilhelm was grateful for Aurelia's attempts at comfort, it wasn't going to work. He couldn't change the future, not anymore. He had chosen the wrong choice too many times, and now there was no changing the inevitable.

"Cake isn't going to fix this," He interrupted, throwing Aurelia off slightly. She quieted down and waited for him to continue. He did, but it was difficult. "It's just not going to work out. I have to accept that, no matter how hard it might be".

"Why?" Aurelia asked, "Why must you accept it? Why not fight it? And why is it all suddenly over? Because of one fight? If Simon can't handle an argument, then the relationship was doomed from the beginning". Wilhelm looked down.

"I chose myself too many times".

"Elaborate please," Aurelia prompted. Wilhelm gritted his teeth; why was she pushing this so damn hard? He thought to himself. He understood she cared and all that, but there came a point where nothing was salvageable, and all that was left was one extremely uncomfortable conversation which left both involved heartbroken.

It was over. Why couldn't she see that?

"I chose you over him; I went looking for you instead of spending time with him. I defended you to my mother; I lied to the media and let Simon take the full brunt of the fallout alone. I ignored him while I gave you my attention. Shall I continue?"

"I'm not leaving, not anymore," Aurelia said, which Wilhelm furrowed his brow at. How did this link into their conversation? "You 'ignoring him' and 'choosing me over him'," Aurelia did mock air quotes as she spoke, "That was my fault. I came into your life and then I disappeared".

"I'm not blaming you," Wilhelm interjected.

"I know, that isn't what I'm getting at," Aurelia promised, "My point is, I'm staying put. No more disappearing into the night, no more one text reach outs and that's it. I'm here, and I'm staying. So forget about me". Wilhelm made a face, but Aurelia continued on. "As for your mother...standing up to parents can be difficult. I know it isn't what you want to hear, but your mother did everything she did to protect you. You cannot blame her for that. But, that doesn't mean you can't disagree with the course of action taken to protect you".

"So you're saying I shouldn't blame my mother for basically forcing me into hiding after lying to the press about not being the other boy in the sex tape which my cousin released?" Wilhelm asked, "Or should I forgive her for not enforcing any type of punishment against said cousin for releasing my sex tape, because he's 'family' and 'deserves our protection'?"

"Alright, now you're just being a petty bitch and twisting my words. Wait, your cousin released that tape?" Aurelia repeated, getting side tracked from the original conversation.

"Yeah, it was August. You know, the guy we avoided as if he had the plague at Hillerska open day?" Wilhelm asked, the memories clicking in Aurelia's mind.

"Alright, never mind that," Aurelia said, "My point is, if you want to have a relationship with Simon, start fighting for him".

"I have chosen other people or myself over him more than once!" Wilhelm exclaimed, "You want me to just now start choosing him?"

Aurelia nodded simply. "Yeah, pretty much". Wilhelm threw his hands up in surrender, leaning back against the wall in submission. Aurelia's shoulders dropped. "You do love him?" She asked, in a quieter voice.

"Yes," Wilhelm barely whispered his answer.

"So fight for him. Show him that you are all him. Show him that you love him," Aurelia said. "If he still walks away, that's on him, not you. Alright?" Wilhelm nodded, as his arms snaked around his knees. Biting his lip, the tears began to well up in his eyes again.

"I don't want him to leave again," He sobbed, as Aurelia reached for him. She moved so she sat beside him, and he collapsed onto her, his head against her shoulder as he cried.

"He won't leave," She cooed, as she ran her hand down his hair comfortingly, "He won't. It's going to be okay. Shhh," She held him tightly as he sobbed, "It's going to be alright".

Aurelia seriously hoped she wasn't lying. 


(1060 words)

the next chapter is literally where it makes or breaks. 

do i be nice or do i break everyone's hearts?

ahhh the power i hold. 

don't forget to vote and comment!

𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀! 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐬जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें