Studying Her

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I spent the rest of the day exploring my new home in peace.Nobody bothered me except when Steve asked what I wanted for dinner.I just shrugged and said pizza then continued my exploring.This place was actually kind of cool especially the training room where they had every kind of workout item you could think of.

I walked to my room and laid on my bed as 40's music played over the record player.I held on to the bears as I flipped through the albums and looked at pictures of my past life.I was so caught up in the memories that I didn't even here Steve come in.

"Hey Buck I see your liking your new room. Mind if I join you looking through the photos?" He was standing in the door way with a plate of pizza and a beer-my favorite pizza night combo.I made room for him to sit down then started laughing over old memories.It felt nice to have some old memories to look through and it felt even better looking at them with my best friend through everything.We finished looking through the books and Steve was about to leave when I stopped him to ask a question.

"Hey Steve what's up with her?I get it she's a quiet loner you and Tony took in off the streets but how come she is so closed off to people?She's even more isolated than me and that's pretty hard to do.She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw me so I thought she was scared of me.I saw how scared she was to be near you so clearly I didn't do anything.I can't imagine why she would be scared to be near you cause your the biggest softie I know.Also what was up with the invisible barrier in her room.Why would she put one up I mean I get wanting to be distanced from people but that's a whole new level of it I think she might be a full blown hermit.It's pretty hard to live with people for two years and barely speak to them or let them get to know you clearly something deeper is bothering her than just trust issues."

"Look at my best friend becoming a therapist I never thought I'd see the day.If you want to have those questions answered then you'd have to ask her but she won't talk she'll just pin you too the wall with daggers and become more isolated from humanity.The more you poke and prod the more distant she gets and we had to find out the hard way.I have to make her kick the door just to make sure she's alive and breathing.Good luck with her no one has been able to crack her and I doubt you'll have any luck either but oh well."

He had a smug look on his face as I rolled my eyes and watched him close the door before walking away.I just changed out of the clothes I'd been in all day and switched into some loose shorts and a t-shirt and a hoodie to head to the training room.I grabbed some socks and athletic shoes then made my way down the elevator.I hopped out on the floor with the training room and walked over to the weight rack.

I grabbed to weights then laid on the bench and started lifting weights in rhythm in silence. I must have been in a deep state of thought because when I stopped to grab a snack and drink I saw it was nearly midnight.I'd been lifting weights for close to 4 hours some how.

I stopped working out for the night and went over to the kitchen to heat up some pizza and grab a beer.I noticed the pizza box was partially open on the counter but I couldn't figure out why.The pizza was warm like it had just been heated up and I heard the tv playing in the living room.I grabbed some pizza and beer then peaked in the living room to see who could possibly be up this late besides me.

At first I didn't see anyone then I noticed how oddly the blanket was shaped and the dent in the couch and a small pillow.Suddenly I remembered the girl could go invisible but I still didn't know why she was up so late. "Hey doll what'cha doing up so late at night I thought I was the only late night person here.I guess it's peaceful so it's one of the few times you can walk around the place without being bothered.I'll leave you alone now and go back to my room."

Even though she was invisible I still noticed her turn the tv off and get off the couch before walking past me straight to the elevators.She didn't say a word and I couldn't see her expression but I guess I just ruined her quiet time out of her room.I just sat down and ate in silence then cleaned up and went to my room cause I was getting tired.

I spent the next few days exploring the tower and avoiding the others but I mostly tried to figure out Brittany.How could someone so young be so isolated that they literally put up a barrier around themselves?I want to figure her out and see if I can crack her before the others so I figure the best way to get started is to follow her routine.It's pretty hard to do that though when she mostly hangs in her room by herself or turns invisible when she leaves her room.

One night I was lying in bed thinking about my past life when I heard her door open.I waited a moment then opened my door a little so I could see her.She was in a trance like state and had a dead far away look in her eyes.It's the same look I get after a nightmare but she couldn't have had a nightmare could she?She went down the elevator to the main floor so I took the stairs down to her but kept my distance.

She was visible for once as she fixed a snack and turned on the living room tv.She wrapped up in a blanket and laid down the same way I found her my first night here.She still had that look in her eyes and her face and body language were emotionless.I stepped a little closer to her from a distance but accidentally stepped on a creaky floorboard.She came out of the trance and turned invisible as she saw me and took off to her room like before.

What in the world just happened?Something is going on with her and I intend to find out.I went back to my room still thinking about her when suddenly I hear shaky breathing and pacing coming from her room.I knock and ask to come in but no response.

"You ok doll do you need anything and is it alright if I come in?I just wanna make sure your alright."I tried to open her door but it was locked.I grabbed the key to my room off my nightstand and attempted to open her door with that.It worked but I couldn't step into her room cause of the invisible barrier.

Her room was different-the entire room had been stripped down to a monotone white and there was nothing decorative on the walls or bed or anywhere in there.It's like being trapped in a nuthouse.I spotted her sitting in a corner hugging her knees to her chest while rocking back and forth.She was in a trance with that dead far away look in her eyes and her face and body language were once again emotionless. She just sat there and didn't say anything the only noise coming from her somewhat steady breathing.

"Doll what's going on,your scaring me just talk to me alright so I can help you with whatever's going on that's bothering you,you can trust me."My voice seemed to break her trance and as soon as she was out of it her room went back to normal and she slammed the door in my face with her magic.I stood there shocked and confused as to what I just saw for a good 10 minutes before going to my room to sleep.

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