Part 13: The Bet (Part 1)

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About a year ago.

"You cannot beat me!"

Prince Harry almost got to me as I stumbled on my own feet trying to get away from him. He lunged forward but hit nothing as I fell to the ground and rolled away from him.

When I got back up, I was already behind him and with a quick move, I have already stabbed his sides with the wooden sword.

"I already did."

I said as I dropped my sword from his side and poked it into the moist ground of the training area. Prince Harry turned to me, the scowl on his face distorted his handsome features.

"Keep scowling and one day, your face will be permanently that way."

An aide ushered to my side and gave me a towel to wipe my sweats and the dirt from my training outfit.

"Even if it does, I'm still handsome to the eyes of the public for I am the ever so loving second Prince, Harry Eve Winstone!"

He proudly said, forgetting that he has just lost to me.

His narcissism could be the death of him one day.

I frowned upon my own thoughts as it could be a blasphemy to the Royal family.

Noting that I don't want to be deemed a criminal, I erased that thought from my mind and focus on the Prince. He had sat on one of the benches, his aide beside him, with papers in his hands.

Being a Prince, even if second to the throne, is still tough, considering he has as much responsibility as the Crown Prince Leonard. Especially since Prince Harry is the captain of the Knight's Order.

Speaking about that...

Around me, I could see all the other members of the Knight's Orders training, slightly looking in my direction. I frowned at their actions, thinking they were either wary of me for defeating their captain, Prince Harry or that they were just glancing at the so-called "outcast" of the Rosling family.

Though, I tried to take no mind to their wondering eyes, I also felt very uncomfortable under them. Hence I turned around, only to bump onto a hard chest. When I looked up, I saw Prince Harry looking down at me, arms crossed.

He looked over at the training ground and I felt the piercing eyes on me disappeared. I looked back, seeing the knights continuing their training, then back at the man in front of me.

"You need to be more careful with how you look," he said and brought his hands up to ruffle my hair.

I was annoyed at his actions and swatted his arms away but it only cause him to chuckle before he called me to join him for lunch.

I was no stranger to this frequent routine: when I first started training with the Prince, he had been very rude and condescending. I don't blame him as he is a Prince and he trained far longer than I did with the swords.

However, I did have talents and when I had beaten Prince Harry many times, he had almost banished me from the kingdom.

All because he was upset with me.

I still remembered King Julius laughing when he heard those same words from his son's mouth and actually congratulated me.

Till today, I was not sure why I was congratulated but that was the least of my problems. However, Prince Harry had seen me as a rival and with him hating to lose, he made up a bet. I won most of the time so it wasn't a big deal to me but Prince Harry never gave up no matter what.

My bets were nothing too serious. I was usually just forcing him to dine with me for lunch or recently, I had been asking him to break up with some nobles daughter. Though, he fully took advantage to my bet to use me as a reason for breaking up with them, I was not mad. In fact, even the King was happy.

So when the Prince had asked me to join him for lunch, I happily comply. I got changed into the dress I had came in with the help of the Palace maids and when I went off, I heard whisperings and giggling.

I pushed that thoughts aside, because I was so used to them talking behind my back so I didn't want the negativity to affect me. As I went to meet the Prince in the garden, specifically used for our lunch, I was greeted again and again by numerous people.

"Being a nobles daughter is tiring," I mumbled to myself, having to smile and greet those people politely.

When I had reached the garden, the aide who opened the door greeted me, too excitedly and left the garden to make sure the food were all prepared. I was shocked because usually the food were already on the table by the time I have arrived so when I took a seat, I can dig in and leave.

But seeing the empty table, I sat awkwardly while waiting. It finally made me realise that I had never talked to Prince Harry, besides the time when he was mocking me. Both of us were silent and I prayed for the food to arrive soon.

"So what's your bet this time?" Prince Harry suddenly asked.

I looked at him for a while, blinking and wondering if he was alright.

He would usually just asked me who he should break up with.

"Haven't you already completed it?" I asked him back, hinting about lunch.

"This has already been a norm, Lady Ashley. Besides, I am not seeing any ladies at the moment so think of a new bet."

Wait, so he didn't call me to have lunch with him because I had won against him but he called me here because it was a normal thing and now he want me to think of something new?

I didn't know if I had blanked out for a long time or not because the food had arrived and Prince Harry was already eating, completely ignoring the state I was in.

I blinked again and ate the food served to me, keeping my eyes on the Prince as he casually tried to ignore me. I sighed, putting my cutlery down and looked at him.

"I cannot think of any at the moment. Once I am ready with a new bet, I will inform you."

Prince Harry looked at me and smiled, nodding his head and we both continue lunch in a quiet but comfortable manner.


Author's note:
So this bet chapter had 2 parts since if I continue with the present conversation Ashley and Harry had, I think this chapter will be too long for anyone to read (unless you prefer longer chapters, do tell me). So I'm stopping here for this chapter and keeping my AN shorter. See you in the next chapter!


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