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Harry Potter, 12 Grimmauld Place

Harry hummed as he brushed his hair, before Kreacher came into his room. "Harry, Master Sirius is calling you down to breakfast." Harry nods. "Yes, I will be down, Kreacher." Kreacher nods, before going away to do something. Harry slipped on his glasses before going out of his room. "Ah, good morning, Harry." Harry smiled. "Good morning, madam Black." Harry said, as Walburga sighed. "I thought I said to drop the 'Madam' thing." Harry shook his head. "I'm a guest, it's the least I could do." Walburga sighed. "Right, right. It's not like your my Godnephew or something." Harry chuckled, before he headed downstairs to meet Sirius, who was sipping coffee while reading the newspaper.

"Ah, Harry! Come, come! Let's have breakfast, then we can head off to Diagon Alley for your school stuff." Harry nods, as he start to eat his eggs and toast. Over the past months, Harry and Sirius had gotten to know each other better, had gotten closer. And Harry had known so much about his father and mother than when he did in his past life.

"Have you found where Remus is, yet?" Harry asked, as he sipped on his tea. Sirius sighed, shaking his head. "No, sadly. Maybe once you go to Hogwarts I can start looking physically." Harry frowns. "Am I-" Sirius shook his head, chuckling. "No no! Do not say that, stop." Sirius said. Harry hummed, before finishing his tea. "Right, I'll go change and then we can go, right?" Sirius nods, before Harry went back upstairs. How was breakfast, Haz? Andri asked, as Harry took out a mice. Its went well. Sadly Remus is still off the Siri-grid. He had said that he will be looking for him physically once I'm back at Hogwarts. Harry said, smiling as he changed his shirt into a hoodie and some trousers.

Wanna come? We can go meet Tommy and Tubbo, and you have been eating a lot of mice so a change in diet will be nice, right? Harry offered, as he petted the serpent's head softly. Sure. It's not like I can do much anyways. Harry smiled, before allowing Andri onto his shoulder. He slipped a sling bag around his shoulder, along with his wand and a nutri-bar in case he passes out from today's events. Especially when he meets Gilderoy Lockhart. He hummed, before doing back downstairs to see Sirius flattening his leather jacket. "Ah, Harry! And you've brought your snake. Is that safe?" Harry giggled. "He"s a serpent, and he's safe. He only bites mice and eats the food from my plate."

Sirius sighed, in relief, before they both stood in front of the fireplace, green powder in hand. "Now say it clearly, 'Diagon Alley'." Harry nods, before saying 'Diagon Alley!' as loud as possible. He felt a pull, before he opened his eyes to see the busy and bustling Alley. He smiled, before stepping aside for Sirius to come through.

The man appeared, smiling softly. "Right, let's go meet your friends first. Plus you can get fitted for your cloaks." Harry nodded, as he led Sirius to the S.B.C.E. "Harry! So good to see you again! Want to get new cloaks?" Harry nods, following Wilbur and Techno to the fitting room while Sirius chats with Phil. "So, you are the family that helped my Harry?" Phil laughed softly, shaking his head. "He didn't need help, he was just as brave as his parents. Plus he even bought clothes for himself." Sirius nods, sighing. "I wish I could've been there earlier, you know." Phil nods, patting his shoulder.

"I know. Wilbur and Techno were... in a bad household, before they were given back into the adoption system. Then Kristen and I came, adopted them and tried to give them a nice home. We struggled for a while, but then they proved to be strong boys, and even though Techno is shy, he's bright. And Wilbur is still as cheerful as ever. Especially after Tommy and Tubbo came into our lives." Sirius smiled.

"Both twins stuck to the other, Wilbur attaching himself to Tommy while Techno clings on Tubbo. And the other pair clung to Ranboo. Lovely boy, very sassy, loves the twins too." Sirius chuckled, before Harry came back, some paper bags in his hands as Techno and Wilbur followed behind him. "Ah, there you are! I thought you have been kidnapped." Sirius joked, as the twins blushed. "Did we keep him that long? Did you talk about embarrassing stuff again, Dadza?" Techno asked, as Phil chuckled. "Don't worry Tech. I don't do embarrassing my children." Techno and Wilbur sighed in relief, before Harry and Sirius waved goodbye. "And come again!" Phil hummed, before he sighed.

"He's really happy with Sirius. It's nice to see." Techno said, as he straightened some clothes. "Yeah." Phil smiled. "Yes it's really nice to see." Ender cawed behind him, making them jump. "Ender don't do that! You scared me." Wilbur said, as Ender chirped softly. The three of them looked at each other, before laughing softly. "We are a mess, aren't we?" Phil hummed, as he ruffled their hairs. "Yes, but we are a beautiful mess." The twins smiled, content.

Welcome! Welcome, to the second book. :D it's a new day, its a new book!

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