A little voice in the back of Seokjin's mind decided to worm its way forward, asking questions Seokjin refused to think about since the day he agreed to marry a man.

What would he be expecting from Seokjin?

Was he expecting Seokjin to be the masculine of the two? Did there need to be masculine of the two? Or maybe he expected Seokjin to do house-ly duties like cooking and cleaning? This would be fine considering he did much of that at home anyway. It was only two weeks ago that Seokjin agreed to marry him and had asked his sister and mother tips on the subject just in case. From the way his husband-to-be's voice cut in and out from that one video call they had, Seokjin figured he had to take on the more feminine role, which was fine, Seokjin loved cooking and cleaning. The stranger's voice was deep and demanded power in a way that Seokjin had never experienced before. It was intimidating. But the main thing that worried Seokjin was the sex.

Sex. Between two males. With two penises.

It's been a subject Seokjin hasn't wanted to think about: sex with a man. Seokjin wasn't even that experienced with sex in general and they definitely do not teach gay sexual education where he's from. Seokjin, of course, knew that one of them had to be on the receiving end and the thought terrified him. From that simple exchange over the phone, Seokjin knew he would be the one submitting to the man.

How did it even work though?

The only hole he had was a butthole and that was definitely not sanitary, but he wasn't naive. He heard stories from the cruel men who frequently drank at the pub he worked at, he heard about the whore house that provided young boys to customers upon request. He heard of the cruel tales the men crackled at, the way they made those boys cry. It made him sick.

Nerves and the prospect that he would have been turned into one of those boys if he had stayed home jolted him from his seat. He clumsily sped walked down the aisle of the plane, bumping into strangers who stuck out a little too far. The plane was small compared to his original flight, only having three seats in a row. On his first flight, his husband-to-be had gotten him first-class tickets which almost brought Jin to tears because (1) he didn't even think he would ever fly on a plane, and (2) it was unnecessarily nice of his husband-to-be. The man didn't even know Seokjin and still gave him that luxury.

Seokjin managed to make it into the tiny stall that surprisingly fit a small toilet and the tiniest sink he ever laid eyes on. He heaved into the toilet, only releasing spit and tears. He was glad he had refused the small snack the flight attendants had offered him earlier. It was an awkward position since he couldn't bend over properly, the restroom being too small, but he managed. He calmed down after a while, sitting on the toilet and splashing some cold water onto his face.

He had to do this. He had to do this for his sister, for Jieun.

He took a deep breath and left the cramped bathroom to go back to his seat. He could do this. He had no choice.

He had to convince Jeon Jungkook that he was a worthy husband.


"Are you sure this was a good idea?" Jimin asked as waited beside his best friend of 10 years for his mail-ordered husband.

Jungkook shrugged. "I get a husband for family gatherings and he gets to come to the States for free, doesn't have to worry about Immigration after we sign these papers, and I'd say I'm a decent human being to live with. It's a win-win, in my opinion."

Jimin sighed, rubbing his head in annoyance. "Who's to say he'll stay with you after getting married anyway? He'll have his green card as soon as he signs those papers. What's there to tie him to you?"

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