Along the Bridge - Part 1

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Late September. It was cold enough for a sweater but not too cold to enjoy the outdoors. Plantlife was still thriving. The wind whistled a happy tune. My best friend, Amity, and I were hanging out at the park that evening after school.

The two of us entered the woods and walked along our normal path for a while talking about our usual conversation topics: shows we liked, teen drama, songs we had been listening to, etc. I showed her tik toks and got to hear her laugh as we walked. As expected, we arrived at the fork in the path. I said the familiar phrase I had repeated every time we came to this decision on our walks.

"Right is right!"

I said it in the same annoying tone as the first time we went on a walk together. I made that joke and she pretended to laugh. Each time after that, we followed this routine. Walk until we reach the choice, I make an unfunny pun, she utters a pity chuckle, and we head towards the path on the right. Only this time, it was different.

After reciting my pitiful catchphrase, I walked toward the path on the right but something grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"What if we tried going this way instead."

I was shocked, but not opposed to the idea. My primary feeling was confusion at why she would interrupt our tried and true routine. But I couldn't say no to that golden glimmer in her eyes as she stared into mine, awaiting my response.

"Sure, why not?"

With that, we strolled into the unknown. About 60 feet down the narrow path, the ground widened into a bridge. I remember smelling the newly blossomed flowers and cautiously inspecting the ivy that covered the sides of the bridge. It felt like a scene out of Narnia.

      About halfway down the bridge, a large magnolia tree came into view at the end of the path. As we approached the clearing, we took in the scene. Behind the great tree was an ancient wall of rock. Vines and wildflowers sprouted betwixt the cracks and cascading over the largest boulder was a small waterfall. Its water poured into a small stream that flowed around and underneath the bridge. Bullfrogs, butterflies, and other various wildlife inhabited the area harmoniously. Magnolia blossoms littered the area, covering the grass and floating on the surface of the small pond in the corner. Small beams of sunshine crept through the slivers of space between branches and bathed the magical scene with glittery warmth. The sight was so breathtaking that I nearly forgot to let go of her hand. As soon as she did, she spoke.

"What do you think?"

Instead of responding, I walked forward and placed one hand on the tree. Initials of hundreds of couples had been carved into its bark. I traced my fingers over one "A+(your initial)" enclosed in a heart. The quaint croaking and chirping from the pond beckoned me. I knelt down to observe what I like to refer to as Mini Amphibia. Without making a sound, I watched the frogs, toads, and fish swim together, still in awe of the sheer beauty this unexpected path had to offer. After more silent onlooking, Amity's soft voice drifted through the air a second time.

"I know you like frogs."

"I do. I do like frogs."

Shoot. I wished I had said something slightly more profound to match the overwhelming greatness of our surroundings.

"Y/n, I have to tell you something."

She now stood behind me.

"How come we've never gone this way before? Amity, this is incredible! You're incredible!"

I stood up to meet her eyes.

"Good thing you forced me to go this way because our usual path ain't got NOTHING on this place."

"I'm really glad you like it."

As soon as she said that, my heart began beating rapidly. The realization hit me. She planned this. The next few moments happened in slow motion. She gently took my hand once again. She knelt down and held out a single daffodil. How'd she know daffodils are my favorite? What a dork. The dork's pupils dilated when she looked at me and I could tell she was as nervous as I was. Breathe, Y/n, breathe. I hoped she wouldn't feel the sweatiness of my hand as she held it.

"Hey, Y/n."

Her voice gave me goosebumps in the best way.


She paused for approximately 4 billion hours. Give or take.

"Y/n... I like you."

What?! I took a deep breath, but before I could speak, she stopped me.

"Just let me finish before you answer, okay? I like you. Like, a lot. Not as a friend. I think about you all the time and I honestly can't imagine my life without you. Obviously, I cherish our friendship and I know this might make things weird depending on how you respond, but I honestly don't care because I don't wanna be friends anymore, Y/n. I want to be more than that." She laughed both out of nervousness and self-amusement as she finished her improvised monologue. "I have a crush on you, Y/n. I have a fat crush on you, and I really really REALLY hope you can be a part of my future."

Just like that, her words made time stop. Amity just had that power. The creatures silenced, the streams stopped flowing, the leaves froze in mid-air. The entire universe was awaiting my response. I pulled a piece of crumpled paper from my pocket and handed it to her. She carefully unfurled it and her face flushed a deep red.

"Amity Blight, will you go out with me? What is this?"

"I've wanted to give that to you every day since the first day we met. I've just been too much of a chicken to ever go through with it. So, thank you."

"For what?"

"For making the first move."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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