Chapter 1

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This is how Harry looks in this story. Isn't he adorable?😍 Too bad he dies😈 Just kidding😁

NOTE: This fanfic isn't actually mine. I read it a few years ago on a site called Quotev. Before I even knew what Wattpad was, I used to read random stories on AO3 or Quotev (not necessarily Zarry....I actually didn't knew what zarry meant at that time😅), and this fanfic was one of the first boyxboy fanfic I ever read. This is a really good story so I thought I would convert it into Zarry so you guys can enjoy it too. Unfortunately, I don't know the real author of this story, but all credits go to her/him/they. Of course I made a few changes in this story. So, yeah....I guess that's it. Hope you enjoy the story😊

Harry's POV:

The sight of unfamiliar buildings whir pass me as my dad drives the car. I stare out my window emotionless, wondering how my once comfortable and predictable life turned into.....well, this.

Moving from California to Britain wasn't exactly what I expected when my mom said she got an amazing job offer.

But the job offer sealed the deal; eighty pounds an hour to be a dentist in reputable clinic- who wouldn't take that offer?

So that's how I found myself packing, boarding a plane, and moving someplace I've only seen in movie- London.

"Remember baby, this is a big day for all of us!" My mother cheered. "You dad is starting to renovate our new house. My first day at work. Your first day of senior year! My little boy is all grown up now!" She cooed, and I groaned silently, rolling my eyes.

"Mom, you seem more stressed than me. I'll be fine, okay?" I lied. I was low-key scared of going to a new school, but I couldn't possibly tell my mom about that! She is already too protective.

Soon a large brownstone school building came into my view and my comfortable seat in the car would soon be traded for a cold, metallic seat at this alien of a school.

I sighed, well....this is it. "And we're here!" My dad huffed.

"Have a great day Harry!" My mom happily said. Her eyes were brimmed with hope and I couldn't help but smile.

"Bye! I'll see you when I get home." And with that, my dad drove off to my mother's clinic, leaving me alone. I took a deep breath and started walking. "You got this." I repeated in my mind like a mantra.

I opened the double doors, smiling softly, trying to keep a positive attitude about the entire situation.

For starters, the school was HUGE! Navigating the main floor was already a task on it's own for me; imagine having to navigate all 7 floors, plus the outside.

I walk around the main floor confused as hell as crowds of people walked past me. Was finding the main office always this difficult?

I bit down on my lip nervously. Fuck.

I turn around in an attempt to find the office again, only to be greeted by a lunatic who's standing a bit too close to me.

I jump back a little and let out a short squeak while the fake blonde chuckles at me.

"Hi there! Didn't mean to scare ya! You must be new." He says with a thick Irish accent, while grinning at me.

I let out a sigh of relief and smile back, "Yeah, I'm basically a freshman to this school."

He extends his left hand, "Horan, Niall Horan." I take his hand and shake it, giggling at his charisma. "Harry Styles."

"So where are you from?"

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