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Without thinking, I throw the door open. I find Zed in all his glory standing there. I lock eyes with him, and a staring conquest begins. It's him. It is indeed him. But how does he know where I live?

"Are you okay?" he doesn't wait for my invitation, he walks in and holds my both hands. Now what in the living hell is this? "Bella," I see concern in his face, "what's wrong?"

I'm confused, "how did you get here?" and that is my first question. Wow! Bravo Bella! After missing him and running around so whiny, and this is my first sentence to him? "I mean I don't remember telling you my address?" come on Bella be nice.

Zed sighs and puts up his hands, "look, I know you don't want me here, but your friend came to me and said that you're in danger," oh really Hailey! "I'm not leaving till I know for sure that you're fine," then he touches my shoulders, "are you okay?" I look up at him. Memories of our last encounter flood to me. I still remember how he nearly fucked me in my office. Looking at him today, he seems a bit different. He emits a very strong, powerful, dangerous aura. But I'm not afraid of him. In fact I feel so drawn to him.

My hands, with their own free will, hold his face, "I am fine now," then I rise on my toes and kiss him. He doesn't move a muscle, but he doesn't kiss back either. Well that's quite embarrassing. I stop kissing him and stand back, "sorry," I try apologising, "I just got carried away." I can't even look at him in the eyes.

"Who was threatening you?" he asks. I turn to him, frowning, "who was endangering you?" he elaborates.

I roll my eyes, "Hailey was just being dramatic. It's just," I sigh, "don't worry about it, it's personal business," I look anywhere else but at him.

"Tell me about it," he rumbles. Gosh, that tone makes me wet for no reason. I swallow hard, trying to focus on what to answer him instead of my hungry pussy. But I come up empty. In two steps, Zed stands in front of me and grabs my chin, "Bella tell me," I just stare at him and continuously gulp, "I want you to tell me." He murmurs. Oh God! Is he thinking what I'm thinking. My pussy clenches for anticipation. Zed closes the distance between our faces, he breathes heavily above me, "Bella tell me," his voice has become husky, his hand holds my neck in a very intimate way, "Bella!" Oh gosh, his deeper voice makes my pussy drip wet. Then our lips touch, a slow kiss. And then the kiss becomes a hungry one. I open my mouth allowing him access, and our tongue touches. And I forget about Melinda and the whole world.

"Oh my God!" I hear a gasp coming from the door.

I quickly step out of Zed's hands, turning around to find the source of our interruption. Ah! I should've known.

"Really Melinda!" I question her, "couldn't you just leave quietly," oh, shit.

"What?" she looks at me confused, "what are you doing Bella?" she asks angrily.

I roll my eyes at her, "isn't it obvious? I'm making out with my man," damn it don't you dare blush, "get some glasses, you're really getting old." I dismiss her and turn to Zed. He is staring daggers at Melinda. I widen my eyes at that and supress a giggle.

"Huh!" Melinda sneers, "so it's why you left Jake? To sleep around?" I close my eyes, trying very hard to control my anger, "what did I expect from you anyway, a cheap....."

"Finish that statement and I'll forget that you're an old woman," Zed interrupts her with a very calm voice. Then he hugs me protectively, "you will not misbehave with my woman ever again," hell. I know he doesn't mean it, but damn, my heart gives a little flip. And my knight in shining armour isn't done yet, "leave and never come back here."

"Huh! I see, birds of a feather!" Melinda comments but leaves in a hurry.

Zed slowly lets go of me, "are you okay?" I raise my face and look at him. Seeing his concerned face, I hold his cheek with my palm and smile. He takes my palm and brings it to his lips, giving it light kisses. "That woman," here it comes, "is she your mother?" I'm not even surprised, Hailey asked me the same thing when she first met her.

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