I sigh, putting my hand on his shoulder, playing along. "Unfortunately, Lou."

"All those years and it was my mother who would eat the cookies!" 

I nod. "And drink the whiskey."

He perks a brow. "Whiskey? Thought it was milk."

I smile. "Robin, my dad, used to tell me that Santa got bored of drinking milk and it got him tired so a small glass of whiskey would wake him up for the rest of his journey."

"That's fucking genius," Louis mumbles. "I might just have to do the same with the kids."

We find some stocking filler toys; some solo figures of Barbie and her friends, a few teddies and accessories for the dolls, getting Robin a dinosaur toy as well for his stocking. 

We soon enough finish shopping and go to pay. This time, I'm able to pay without being scared of looking at my bank account, thanks to Mark and his generosity.

"I know exactly what I want to get them for Christmas, Harry." 

"And what will that be, Lou?" I ask as he pulls me toward the car.

"I'll tell you on the way home. You're gonna love it."


Natalie has dance tonight. Louis insisted on watching on because he's never seen her in dance class before. So he's helping her get her hair into a tight bun, she's in her leotard and tights and she's bound to get cold when she comes out the school.

We drive her to the building and we all run inside to get out of the nipping air. Louis watches from the small window in awe, the rest of the mums and some dads dotting around, sitting on the benches, looking bored. 

"They're so adorable! She's so good at it already!" He coos, tiptoeing so he can look inside the high window. 

Robin begins to fidget. He taps my arm. "Daddy," He whispers. "I need wee, wee."

Ever since he went to nursery and had one on one help with his speech, it's gotten a lot better. He's even very good at telling me when he needs the toilet so the accidents happen less and less now. He's learning fast and growing up even faster. 

I take his hand. "Alright, munchkin, come on, let's go wee wees. Louis, look after Darcy for us, babe. Just going to the loo."

He nods, coming over and taking my seat beside Darcy. 

Robin charges for the toilet once we're in the bathroom, slamming the seat up. I help pull his joggers and pants down, sitting him on the toilet. 

"Robin do dance?" He asks. 

I smile. "Maybe one day, if you want to."

He nods. "Me 'ike tutu." 

He finishes and I help him wipe and pull up. He flushes the toilet and we go and wash our hands. 

When we get to the waiting room though, I can hear Louis' voice shouting. I open the door slowly to see him and one of the mum's up in each other's faces. 

"How dare you!" He seethes. "The only thing wrong here is you and your nineteen fifties opinions!" 

Oh no. 

I place a hand on his shoulder and he shucks it off, not noticing it's me. When he whips his head around to stare daggers at me, his face softens but I can see the angry tears in his eyes. 

"Sir, you need to leave," Madame Laurent announces from the doorway of the classroom. 

Natalie ducks under Madame's arm and comes over to me. "What's happening?" She whispers.

Dad Next Door: Volume 1 (Under Editing Soon)Where stories live. Discover now