Chapter 1

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Hello beautiful readers! I'm taking part in the Ambys 2021 Short Story writing contest. I also wish best of luck to all of you who's participating.

Here's my story. I hope Potterheads can somehow relate to this. I expressed a big childhood fantasy of mine through this, but I also wanted to explain a few good and bad things about dwelling on dreams at the end.

If you are reading this, what's your Hogwarts house?

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Tomal is a nine-year-old boy who loves to sleep for a long time. Sometimes, he falls asleep in class and gets punishment for that.

Actually, Tomal loves to dream. He can't help it, as he can only dream when asleep. 

Tomal is very fond of story books. His favorite author is J.K.Rowling. He read all the Harry Potter books. He loves to dream about Harry, a boy who discovered that he was a wizard, a person with magical abilities when he was eleven. Tomal firmly believes that once he turns eleven, he'll get a letter from a School of Magic and discover that he is a wizard too. 

Tomal has dreamt of doing magic a couple of times. He even told his mother about it. But Mum twitched her nose. "Don't say you want to grow up to be a magician?"

Magician? He wanted to be a wizard, who can perform spells and charms and curses; magicians perform nothing but tricks. Mum is so non-magical. She can't differentiate both. 

Mum wants Tomal to be a doctor. That's what Tomal told his elementary school teacher too. She asked him, "Which disease would you want to cure?"

Five year old Tomal giggled and said, "Dragon-pox."

Teacher laughed. "Oh, that's so sweet!"

Sweet? Tomal read Harry Potter's grandparents died of dragon-pox. What's sweet about it? 

If he can grow up to become a Healer, one who heals all magical maladies and injuries, he will invent a vaccine for dragon-pox, just like Edward Jenner. Tomal read about Edward Jenner in his Science book. Strangely enough, his book didn't mention him being a Healer. He was not even a wizard! Then how did he invent such a magical cure? 

But last night, Tomal had a weird dream. A dream which was about to bring a big change in him.

He had completed reading a book of Harry Potter and went to sleep. And in his dream, he heard someone calling him. 

"Wake up! Wake up, My Lord."

Dwelling on Dreams #TheAmbys2021Where stories live. Discover now