Chapter 14: His Return

Start from the beginning

The whistle blew, we started the attack this time. Takuto performed 'Presto Turn' but was no use, Sonic Speed Barious came our way. My legs were trembling, he was huge. 'You can give up, you know?' I was shaking, my eyes unfocused.

"PROTECT THE SOCCER YOU LOVE WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT; TENMA" I stared at Tsurugi, he believed in me, I could do it, I can stop the ball. I can defend my soccer, and protect the sport I enjoy. I let out a cry of pain. Something had opened deep inside me. 

Through my veins I felt the sudden rush of power, it materialised. He wasn't a spirit, he was my solid companion in the journey of Live, it was grand. I didn't move as my Keshin reacted on his own. It caught the ball and threw it aside.

-Third's PoV.-

"You... Majin Pegasus Arc..." His eyes were shot with red. "You DARE TO APPEAR RIGHT NOW?" His fist were tight against his sides, he was staring into the giants' eyes. "Hurting me... all this time, and INCOMPLETE! YOU ARE INCOMPLETE!" His voice turned into a mere whisper. "How dare you, Pegasus?" 

Everyone was dead quiet, no one was moving, what had he expected? For the Keshin to talk? Many laughed, despise the seriousness and rareness of the situation.

"I'm sorry, Master." A strong voice answered, a male voice, deep. It made chills go down your spine, it was a Demon talking.

"Sorry?! Sorry?! YOU DO ALL THIS TO ME AND ALL YOU SAY IS 'SORRY'?!" Everyone stood right there, open mouthed as Tenma approached the... thing and punched it. "Just go, go away." It refused to come back. "Ok, I guess you can stay." And it did. Hayami stared as the brunet changed places with Sangoku and returned to be the midfielder they all knew.

The game resumed, Tenma had to shout to be focused on the game and not Pegasus. Kirino stole the ball, who, as made a slide, arrive to Hayami's  feet, who finally reacted and performed 'Zeroyen'. Tsurugi scored once again with 'Death Drop', then Shindou did with 'Fortissimo'.

Teikoku Academi was mad, Barious' shot was turned down by 'Fence of Gaia'. Sangoku couldn't take a first year been ahead of him.  Tenma got passed King Poseidon and Elite Soldier Pawn with ease, Shinsuke did the final score: 4-3, Raimon won.

"Pegasus, return!" Tenma ordered, hoping that this time, he would disappear; he did not. '...' Jack was out of words.

"Master, you've changed." Pegasus took Tenma between his arms. "I changed because of that, I managed to break the chains because you did. You need to forget, Master, forget your pain and let go of the past." Tenma nod, he hugged the massive figure back. 

"I that... the reason why you were dormant?" It nod.

"I'll go for now, send my regards to Maestro and Lancelot! I'm sorry, for all the pain I've caused, I was fighting the cage, Tenma-sama. I'm sorry." It dissolved in the air after kissing my hair, on a golden light. He did as normal, he made a high five with Shinsuke, the only one who was still 'normal' to him.

-Tenma's  PoV.-

Everyone was eyeing me closely... why? Realisation hit me: They think I'm a SEED. 'I told you, even if you now have Pegasus by your side, you no longer have they trust.' I stayed until I was the last one left. Shindou was very unhappy, his eyes were sad, I felt as the line that kept us two together broke. It was then, on the solitude of the changing room, that I decided to meet up with my best friend: the razor blade. 'Yes, yes, she will help you feel much-much better!' I felt encouraged by him today. 

On my way, I encountered Aoi. She was back from grocery shopping. "It's cool to have it back, right?" She asked me with a smiling face, referring to Pegasus. I nod. "I'm glad, Tenma! You seem close!"

"Well, we are, thank you; Aoi." I hugged her, emotions radiating from me in waves. 'Shame, she thinks you are valuable. Damn happiness of yours, Tenma.'  He left, thank lord.

"Tenma! Tenma! It was incredible, Majin Pegasus Arc was amazing! Like Paw, Pew, Boom!" Shinsuke explained, laughing. "Can I shake his hand next time?" i had my happy grin back, I couldn't help myself but laugh too.

"Of course! He will love to meet you both!" I am glad I have earned their trust enough for them to stick by my side. We decided to meet at that same street tomorrow morning, to make our way to school all together.

Once I got home, I met with Aki-nee's delicious cooking. "Eat, eat all you want! You had a hard match today and tomorrow there is school, and you are a growing man so, eat! You better eat!" I adore her, she is the best. After that, I went straight to take a shower and I went out with my future couple: my bed. It was the first day free of blood, I felt positive. Pegasus' snores were my key to the world of dreams.

Next morning, we saw a new student on the front gate. Something was off. I ignored that feeling, it was probably nothing and I couldn't let Pegasus out because of an stupidity.

Morning practice started and I felt as they were giving me the cold shoulder, except Shinsuke, the rest was avoiding staring at me and pass me the ball. 'See? they hate you and your Keshin, this is what you deserve for acting on your own.' Jack's words hurt, it was hard to breath and Pegasus was fighting to come out. I had to sit down, my hand on my chest, trying to suppress the pain and regain my breath.

"Master has done nothing wrong!" Pegasus said, as the golden light transformed into the avatar. "He hasn't disrespected anyone! Master is no SEED, he is a teenager in need of...!" I stared dead into his eyes as I stood up and placed a hand on his right arm. It dissolved before finishing the sentence. In a second, the usual me was back.

"Sorry, since I was a chi- nothing! He is used to do that when he thinks I need him, it's annoying at times and he jumps out of stupid things."

-Third's PoV.-

"He really is a good friend!" Shinsuke smiled, secretly, he had touched Pegasus's wings, he was delighted. Takuto smiled, they were stupid indeed, they only needed to stare closely at the brunet to know he was pure, pure golden heart; and yet, after reaching that conclusion, he turned his head away as, on the break, Kurama spoke his thoughts. "I miss Minamisawa." His departure made Tenma's heart ache so much. 

If it had not been for him, Minamisawa would be still be there with them, playing with his friends. He decided it was best to take a shower in the changing rooms and let his pocket knife do it's work. He felt his shoulders relax as tiny drops of blood collided with his feet. New bandages covered his arms under the shirt of the school uniform, he was the first one to get to class.

"Well, here, I have a new announcement for you." The teacher said, motioning for someone at the door to enter. "His name is Kariya Masaki, he has just arrived to Inazuma Town. I hope he likes his stay at Raimon, make him feel comfortable, please." Kariya waved to the class, he seemed very shy. 

"Hi, my name is Kariya Masaki, I'm new in the city, I... don't like talking out loud too much. I do enjoy football tough, used to play when I was a kid." He presented himself, Tenma didn't loose sight of this kid, he recognised his façade. No one could lie a mask-master. "Well done, Masaki, Matsukaze, show him his new place!" Tenma stood up, he delicately motioned to a spare seat on his left, ready to use.

"Here, Kariya-kun!" Tenma said in a not so cherish voice, still, no one noticed the difference.

"Thanks!" Kariya sat down. "Hey, Matsukaze, we met at the front gate, right?" And Tenma was surprised he remembered him, specially after taking his acquaintance. Classes were going to be fun, a Façades master and his learner.

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