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I walked on a lonely road, the only one that I know. I walked on the empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams.....

My life was once a complete black world.

No light,

No hope,


It was hell. All I felt was loneliness, coldness and pain. I was Iris Black. My name was the perfect definition of myself along with the world I was living in.

It was broken.

My heart was shattered into million pieces.

My body was scarred.

I was invisible.

I was soulless.

I was...




I was suffering from stage four Leukemia.

When the doctor told me I had Leukemia, my world fell apart. My life seemed meaningless. My family was poor and they couldn't afford to pay for my therapies. All the money they had were soon insufficient. I was a nuisance to them. They didn't want me anymore so they abandoned me and put me into a foster home. Not long after, a young couple adopted me.

They cared for me. They gave me everything I needed.



A smile.

But, it was all too late. Who would want a child with leukemia? I was already under a state of severe depression. I distanced myself from everyone. I abused myself. I hated the world and I hated my life.

My foster parents couldn't stand my depression anymore so they decided to take me to a psychologist. They gave me anti-depression pills. They did everything they could but it was useless

That was... until I met him.

My life made a hundred and eighty degree turn. He was my only light and hope. He was an angel who was sent from heaven to guide me through hell. He was my one and only companion.

He... is Angelo Knights.

He was always enthusiastic while I was taciturn. He always thought positively while my first thoughts were always suicide. He was flawless and I was born with flaws in and out of me. He was lovable while I was nothing but trash to the community.

But he knew me. He knew me better than I knew myself.

He helped me through my tough life with all the little things he could do. He would smile, laugh, joke with me and talk to me like I was every other person. He would give me solutions to my problems and stayed with me through ups and downs.

"A rainbow could not be formed, if there were no raindrops."

"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. Once you lost it, you can never get it back."

These are the quotes that enlighten me all the time. It was my sun, my light, my hope. I started seeing things in a positive way because of his quotes.

He broke down the wall I built. He opened the door swiftly while I locked it. He found me in my small world where all darkness, pain and bitterness were created to push me to the verge of suicide.

He was my hero.

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