Deafening Silence - Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

His face softened slightly, "You kind of freaked out down stairs. I took you up here to help calm you down." 

I nodded, rubbing my arms with my hands, even though I felt as if he was hiding something from me. 

A cellphone went off and Hunter groaned in annoyance. Pulling out his phone, he made a face at the caller id-  

"We'll be there on time- Jesus Christ Chris stop calling!" 

He angrily ended the call and got up from the bed. Once he was standing he looked at me expectantly. 

I raised my eyebrows at him and he huffed, "Come on, we got to leave soon." 

"To go where?"  

"I have a fight tonight," he replied opening his closet and grabbing a jacket. "And you're coming." 

My eyebrows flew to my hairline in surprise. I looked at him bewildered, "why?" 

"Because," he said walking towards the mirror that hung above the dresser on the far side of the room. "I - we promise J that we'd keep you saf3e while he was away." 

My mouth formed an 'O' shape whilst he turned his head to smirk at me up should go put on some warmer clothes - we are taking my bike." 

"Why can't we take the car?" I questioned, rising from the bed and swinging my feet to the side. 

"Chris and Bill took it to go get the place ready for us." 

Placing my feet on the freezing floor I moved towards the closed bedroom door, "okay. Come to my room when you want to leave."  

Just before I shut the door I heard him say, "I don't know which room is yours though." 

"That's your problem not mine," I retorted before closing the door with a soft click. 

When I got to my room I took a quick shower than got dressed. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, matching them with a white tank. Running a brush quickly threw my wet hair I pulled it in a messy bun- pulling on a pair of chucks, I fast walked back to the bathroom I applied some mascara just as I heard a knock on the door. 

I heard the door open and a voice call out, "Are you ready, yet?" 

I rolled my eyes at his impatiens- of course he wouldn't knock before coming in. 

"Yeah, one sec." I pulled on a loose grey zip up hoodie, only zipping it up half way before stepping out of the bathroom. 

He was looking around my room, unlike his my wall where full intact and a deep red color. The walls had no posters of any kind and the only thing that the shelves had to show for were a few books, others were scattered around the room - but besides that my room was perfectly clean. 

Smirk upon his face, Hunter leaned over and pick a book from my unmade bed. "Ah- wonderful story to read before you go to sleep." 

His sarcasm was lost on me as he held one of my favorite books in my collection, in his hands. Lord of the flies. Moving closer to his back I shrugged, "it's my favorite." 

"Really?" he turned head around to look at me incredulously- his eyebrows almost disappearing into his hair line, a small smile replacing the smirk.  

I nodded gingerly taking it from his hands, turning and placing it on my bedside table- stroking the cover lightly before I raise my eyes to meet his.  

I lifted one of my eyebrows, motioning towards the door. He sighed heavily, walking towards the exit with me trailing silently behind him. We didn't speak as we made our way down the stair to the kitchen- this made me raise my eyebrows slightly at hm. 

"The door to the garage is through here." I nodded in response. 

A noise came from behind us and suddenly I was being pulled forward by my arm. 

I yelped and scampered after him. When we entered the garage I ripped my arm from his grip, giving him a harsh glare. He rolled his eyes at me and walked over to his midnight black motorcycle. 

He straddled the bike and motioned for me to get on behind him. Hesitating for a moment then slipping cautiously on to the back of the bike- only having a split second to grab on to him before we were speeding out of the garage and on to the roads. 

Most people would think that riding on the back of a high speed motorcycle would be terrifying - and for the first few seconds it was, but when I started to relax a little - it was amazing. I love the blur of the city lights as we whizzed on by, it was something that I knew as soon as I got back to the house- I would spend the night drawing. 

We slowed to a stop as we reached and old warehouse building. The dull streetlights above us flickered as we stopped and climbed of the bike. I glanced around at the empty streets as I pulled off the bike helmet, 

"Where are we?" I asked quietly as Hunter parked the bike farther away from the building- hiding it behind the old sigh for the warehouse. 

He glanced up at me, "a warehouse." A coy smirk played on his lips as he came out from behind the sigh and started to walk towards the building, whilst cast a glance at me from over his shoulder," aren't you coming?" 

I stride to catch up, gently hooking on to his sleeve with my index finger. As we got closer to the building, I saw light filtering through a basement window. 

I shot Hunter a curious glance as we approached the window; it looked just big enough to fit 2 fully grown men. When we finally reached the window, Hunter got down on his knees and gently pushed the window open - right before slipping into the warehouse. My mouth popped open on its own accord. What the hell, I mentally freaked when suddenly a voice floated up through the window,  

"what are you waiting for?" 

I stared at the window incredulously. There was no way in hell that I was going to jump in that window.  

An irritated sigh came from the window, "just jump." 

I shook my head as if he could see me; there was no way I was going to jump down there. 

"Angel, if you make me come up there, so help me god..." his threat made me pause for a pregnant moment. I squeezed my eyes shut and said a quiet prayer under my breath as I slid throught the window. There was a whoosh of air and then firm arms catching me by my waist.  

My eyes flew open and I was meet with a pair of bright blues ones- place right above a cocky smirk, "that wasn't so had was it?" 

Glaring, I slapped his shoulder muttering," jerk."  

His smirk grew as he placed my feet on the cold stone floor, and release me from his arms. When he turned around I was shocked to see what was behind him.

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