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Klaus pov:
As I was laughing I didn't realize when both the girls left.
They had alot of explanation to do.
First the friendship and now their sudden disappearance.
I waited for sometime and then saw both of the girls walking in the room.
Care to explain, I shouted.
Both the girls looked down.
Rebekah Mikaelson, I shouted.
Fine Nik, we just went out for a walk.,
Rebekah said.
Try again, I said.
Klaus she went for a walk and I just followed her to see if she was alright, don't you trust me, Hayley said.
Of Course I trust you but I don't trust my sister, I said.
Klaus look I'm really tired and so Is Rebekah so can we all just sleep and leave today behind us, Hayley said as she came up to kiss me.
Fine, I said.
We all went to sleep Rebekah and Hayley sharing one bed while I slept on another.
I was really wondering what they possibly could talk of like they just met a few days ago.I was obviously not going to believe that excuse.
Who did they think they were to fool THE NIKLAUS MIKAELSON I'm not dumb.

Next morning

Hayley pov:
I wake up and go downstairs, as usual no one was awake and I was the first one up.
I go to the Kitchen and take some apple juice and made myself a sandwich.
As I sit at the table I think about what happened last night and I know that Klaus has not believed the excuse I gave last night and I know he is not going to let go this anytime soon.
Till I hear a voice behind me,Niklaus where are you.
Who are you?, I asked.
I'm Kol Mikaelson who the bloody hell are you, He asked
I'm Hayley Marshall, I said.
What are you doing in my family's house, He asked.
I'm carrying the child of your brother Klaus, I said.
Wait Klaus is going to become a father and you are the mother, he said.
Is there a problem, I said.
No it's just Klaus being a father, Can I ask you a question, he said.
You just did but Okay, I said.
Were you so desperate for a man, he asked.
Shut up, I've known Klaus a year and we have been dating for months, I said really mad.
Hey calm down It was a joke, he said.
Well Clearly I don't deal with them good I said.
Yeah right but why aren't you drinking milk, I've heard pregnant girls should drink milk, he said.
Well, I can't drink milk I'm lactose intolerant, I said.
And pregnant girls always don't have to drink milk 24/7 you know, I said really annoyed.
So I see you get pissed of very easily, he said.
I do not, I said.
OK jokes aside where is my brother, he asked.
Which one, I asked.
Klaus of course, he said.
He is sleeping in Rebekah's room, I said.
Why is he sleeping in her room he asked curiously.
Rebekah insisted me to stay in her room and Klaus doesn't seem to like it so he has been keeping an eye on both of us, I said.
Classic Klaus, he said.
Where Is Rebekah's room it's been awhile,he said.
Wait you were dead Rebekah told me, I said.
Ever heard of Witches, He asks sarcastically.
Stop being sarcastic follow me, I said really annoyed.
As you wish, Love, he said.
We walk to a really big room and stop.
This is it, I said.
Great, Thank you Hayley, He said.
Where is Klaus, he said looking around.
I point towards a bed.
Wait that can't be Niklaus, He said.
He was sleeping really weird, his leg was over the bed and his head was off the bed, we couldn't see his hands but the blanket was half off him.
Wait I will come right back, I said as I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone and came back upstairs.
What are you doing, He asked.
Shhh don't wake him up., I said.
I grabbed my phone and took a couple of pictures.

I grabbed my phone and took a couple of pictures

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OK that's hilarious, Kol said.
Now wake him up, I said.
Kol and I go to wake up Klaus and suddenly we hear a voice and startle, Why are you both spying on Nik.
It was Rebekah.
I had jumped behind Kol and Kol had already had activated his vampire face.
Calm down both of you, Rebekah said.
Bexs you scared the crap out of us, Now is that the way to treat your older brother who came back from the dead is it, Kol said.
It's good to see you too, Rebekah replied.
Never sneak up on a pregnant girl, I said.
Sorry about that, She said.
So you apologize to a girl you barely know and not to your brother, Kol said.
Shut up Kol the baby can die while you won't, Rebekah said.
Anyways how are you alive, she asked.
One word, Witches, He said.
Now can I please wake up the only person who is not vulnerable,kol says.
We both are not vulnerable, I said.
Yeah right, Niklaus wake up, he said.
What's  all the commotion about, Klaus asked.
Kol how are you alive, he said.
I change my statement all of you are vulnerable, Kol said.
Klaus looks at Me and Rebekah and both of us say WITCHES.
Oh Witches, Klaus says.
So Kol I assume you met Hayley, Klaus said.
Yes and we became really good friends; kol replied.
Well he wasn't lying we were really getting along.
Are both of you so desperate to make friends that you become really great friends with the girl I'm dating, Klaus said.
What's wrong with me being their friends, I said.
Nothing little wolf, Klaus said.
Why do you call her little wolf Klaus, Kol said.
Cause I'm a werewolf, I said.
Well that's just great, Yesterday was a full moon and she could have bitten any one of you, Kol said.
I didn't turn, I can't turn cause I'm with a child, I said.
And even if she would've turned we had the cure Klaus's blood, Rebekah continued.
Right, Kol said suspiciously.
Have anything to eat I'm starving he said.

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